beat junkie

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ill o.g.
maybe this is obvious to all fellow beatmakers, but this shit is addicting. i mean i started makin beats a couple years back really only because i liked rhyming and i couldnt find anyone else who made em. but once you start, i think its impossible to stop. theres nothing better then the idea of creating something brand new, and no matter how wack the beat your working on right now is, you can always just make another one. i think im gonna be 50 years old and shit makin beats, its crazy....

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yea i just got to college and i didnt bring my MPC with me and im going crazy, thank god im going to pick it up this weekend, i was about to explode


<FONT SIZE="4" FACE="courier" COLOR=blue><MARQUEE WIDTH=100% BEHAVIOR=SLIDE BGColor=yellow>yea i cant stop makin beats eather</MARQUEE></FONT>

dj ShorTbuS

Cold Get Retarded
ill o.g.
i definitely feel what youre sayin. if im not makin a beat an im out somewhere chillin im still thinkin about makin a beat. i was thinkin the other day how i don't ever wanna have to sell any of my equipment either. like when im 50 like chewbux said i wanna be bangin out beats still. and better yet have my kids start bangin out beats when they're like 2. ill teach them the real alphabet... MPCDEFG... nah for real though ill wait til they're 3.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
yeah me neither i went on holiday a bit ago and all i could think of was beats

Sacred One

I Am One Of God Producers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
I'm glad I'm not the only one, I went to vegas last week and I was just getting inspired in so many ways I was like man, can't wait till get home, going crazy like man I need something, its like u a crackhead or something.


ill o.g.
I'm addicted to music; so I'll be making beats forever.
ill o.g.
erkl said:
the mpc is very addicting, im going to cali in october and am worried about nothing to jam on.. but ill be doing lots of crate digging so hopefully that will keep me occupied enough

Yea, crate diggin will keep you occupied.

I never get enough money to get a vacation, so im usually always around home. But there were a couple times goin to boston without my equipment, and i was dyin. But what id do when i wasnt makin beats (i still do this a lot) is once you bought your stack of records from wherever you get em cheap at, get a pack of PostIt Sticky Notes. And a pen. And listen the whole entire way through all your records. And put a sticky not on the part of the record you found somethin hot on, and put one on the cover sayin what you found. Then when your finished, you know exactly where to drop the needle once you get em home.

I go through stacks of 15 records listyening the whole entire way through, and doin the sticky note shit. It works pretty good and it keeps me organized and occupied when i aint got nothin but a tt wit me..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
LOL yea definately i agree even wen im out with people i'll be hearing sounds of music and thinking could i flip that sample, or humming a abssline or woteva in my head and planning out tracks lol !
When im in work i'll be listening to the radio trying to hear things or thinking bout that sample i found last night and how im gonna flip it when finish work lol ! Roll on 5 o'clock til i can go home and crack out the keyboard lol !