backup vocals and dub trax

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ill o.g.
what are some of your techniques for backup vocals? do any of you do complete double ups of the vocals, or only emphisize certian sylabels? how do you like to mix them? do you use pan to spread out multipul tracks of vocals?


ill o.g.
I can use some help with this myself. I tried the techniques you mentioned, but I think I could do better. Any input on this will definitely help.



Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
light, one of my favorite effects on vocals is to double it, using the original vocal with the same vocal sampled and dropped down an octive. I usually lower the volume on the dropped octive sample quite a bit, sometimes up to 50% but usually around 25%. I also like to add some delay to certain samples. If I emphasize a sylabel it's only because the rapper/artist wants it done that way. Personally I think that technique is played out. I don't do alot of panning because most of the people listening to it don't have the type of gear it would take to truely appreciate it but I will pan to create a vocal stereo effect rarely.


Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
If you're using a program like cool edit, I like to reverb my voice, and sometimes slide it a little to give it a slight echo. (Not a HUGE echo, but slightly echoed.)


Whilst lead vocals are dead center, you can f.x. take parts of the chorus or dubbing or background vocals and load them to 2 tracks and pan one straight left and the other straight right. For rapping, you can also f.x. delay the vocals and pan the delay a little left. There's a lot you can do, just play with it. Reverb is of course also a good thing with vocals...just remember, never add to much.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I take the approach of not putting any effect on the vocal unless the MC requests it or only if I feel it would not harm the natural sound......but hip hop artists that I know and work with generally use ad libs or they go back and double up and emphasize words and hooks(not the whole thing)....make sure that the MC is on point you can't go wrong..any effects that you might want to use can be applied to the ad libs or make a copy of them and experiment in your mix to find the right sound you want...