Aug 11th - Aug 18th

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Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
There are plenty of jewels in that collection. Not all of them are,but some are good for chopping break beats out of. Overall the collection is pretty good though..I like it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
There are plenty of jewels in that collection. Not all of them are,but some are good for chopping break beats out of. Overall the collection is pretty good though..I like it.

The collection is EXTRA dope. For some reason I don't like flippin' shhh I know for a fact most cats that sample have. It's probably stupid but I just don't get the urge for compilations like that. I got the entire collecton..I should do something with


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I feel ya, I'll flip anything though...but yeah you should go through it, I've got vol 1 - vol.15, I don't know if thats the entire collection but yeah it's dope!


ill o.g.
@Gustto very tasteful placement of the samples, nothing overboard. You even utilized the little wood block sounds which was a nice touch. I thought some of the horns were dropped in a little too loud for the mix. other than that this is a A+ flip, nice work.
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