Anybody here have experience with mental problems?

Don't get it twisted though, this doctor is the best one at the surgery. I've been with him my whole life and it's hard as hell to get an appointment with him. He's got an MBE and owns the surgery he works in too, so he knows what he's talking about. He did seem concerned today, I don't know if that's because I'm beginning to develop side effects from taking these. I'm gonna continue the pills, even if it's just for a day or two, as I'm taking only 20mg daily. Hopefully it helps with the pain in my head, and maybe my body just needs to get used to having a new chemical flowing through it?
the thing with the drug you are taking is that it advises you take it for 4 weeks to start seeing an effect.
A couple of days isnt going to solve much.
Really truly and deeply from my heart, I know that GPs are the shopfront for the pharmaceutical industry,
many GP's have been brainwashed by the very same pharma companies to beleive that what they distribute like candy is actually entirely beneficial. But time and again the truth is coming to the surface about drugs that are seriously dangerous.
The Psychotic tendencies for the drug you are taking are most likely to occurr for 18 to 25 yr olds, side effects including suicidal tendencies. I have read about people on antidepressants killing their whole families and shit, and some of the most extreme cases of women chopping their own babies up, im not making this shit up.
They only recently finally banned the use of SSRI anti depressants(eg prozac) for children, but before that they were giving them out like candy.

I think the poor diet and poor sleep patterns are most likely the cause of the headaches, the psycosis is probably a side effect of the drug, or did you have the paranoia before the drugs?

Also on a side note, I think nearly every person that has gone on a crazy rampage killing lots of people has been on anti depressants. Leave them alone man. Get Neurofen for headaches.
Depression is a state of mind, only we can get ourselves out of it, Its mind over matter man.
I get down all the time, but I sure as hell aint going to become dependant on drugs to solve my feeling down.
There is so much to be down about right now, but Im able to keep myself in check.

And as for your two career choices, I think you are setting the bar a bit high for yourself.
You have chosen 2 of the most competetive career paths, maybe you should try and be a bit more realistic with your goals, otherwise the chances are, you are bound for disappointment, thus fuelling depression.
I think you should choose between music and football, there isnt enough time in the world to concentrate on both along with a full time job to pay the bills.
I think your biggest priority is your family now, they should come first no matter what else.
I fucked up in that department and Im still paying the price. So I speak a little from experience there.

I think you should concentrate on keeping your job right now, becoming unemployed right now is the last thing you want. Try to work towards promotion there and keep the football or music as a hobby, if something comes from it then all the better, but dont pin your hopes and dreams on such small chances of success.
There really is some god gifted talented mother fuckers out there, and they all wanna be famous.
You are still young enough to get on a career ladder, you should do that.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Gotta agree with those saying to get off the meds but DON'T do it cold if you been on em for a while. Coming off psych drugs and anti-depressants can be worse than the side effects. I've seen it more than once.

Seriously if you are experiencing anxiety, (kid on the way, arsehole boss, moving out of home etc. can make anyone get a bit anxious), you need to tackle that not try to cover it up with a chemical solution. You know that the whole "chemical imbalance" scam was invented by drug companies as a marketing tool for their products.

Whatever it is, it's probably temporary. Just try and chill and ride it out. Sometimes we all feel fucked up and just need to get through it. Sport, meditation, changing your job, making music, or whatever works for you could help.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
its definately a side effect of the pill dude, thats how concentrated substances hit. herbals only!