am i really THAT much of a jerk?

  • beat this! voting starts in...

Is Cold Truth really all THAT much of a jerk?

  • Yes, he is. He's mean. I dont like him at all.

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Sometimes.... but it doesnt really bother me.

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • I dont think so. He's just a little edgy at times.

    Votes: 17 51.5%

  • Total voters
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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Damn! Shit Is Mad Deep!

mercurywaters said:
i look at truth like the grumpy old man in your neighborhood. he would live at the end of a dark tree lined road, with big mean dogs that barked all the time. and your friends would dare you to go down that dark road and knock on his door. and one day you would get up the coourage to do it and you would find out he's not so bad at all. unless you pissed him off. then he would sick his dogs on you.

man, this is one of the best replies i've ever read! classic!!! :headbang2 :smokin:


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
"War is over... If you want it"

alright alright alright... wow!!!... you know, i really didnt think i mattered all that much and that what i had to say would really effect you so much... but i guess i was wrong... dude, you gotta understand something, there isnt anybody i hate out there... i might have problems with some people and maybe even not like the way people do things from time to time... but you know what... you really do fly off the handle way too quick and get really defensive about shit and you are real quick to stab somebody before you understand what they are trying to say... if you wanna blow up like that, how bout maybe asking what they meant by something... you just really pissed the shit out of me by getting so judgemental and just grouping up all your hatred from the last few comps and who knows what else was going around in your head and threw it at me... all that "you guys" stuff and things you were saying... i mean, just for the record, i never complained once about how i placed or what not... and all that bitchin and whining you said i was doing??? what the fuck... i was just talking... and you know what... sorry for trying to give you a complement... maybe that was wrong of me too... you seemed to get pretty pissed about that as well... and as far as me telling you to step your game up... i didnt mean production wize.... i meant more on the personal level... you know, if that is all just your way of moderatin... well ok... doesnt exactly keep things calm and people happy... you start doing some shit like that and you are bound to piss somebody off... but anyways... i really can't believe you made this post actually... i am not gonna partake in your cheezy little poll though, and as a matter of fact... i have no hatred for you dude... just chill the fuck out and maybe listen to what somebody is trying to say before you blow up and write a fucking novel for everyone to read...



"The war is over... if you want it"

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

for starters, i figured if everyone thought of me the way you did, syn, or even half the people on the site, then that would be a good sign that ol truth needs to ease up. from the looks of things, i dont. i figured it would give everyone an open forum to air out whatever the needed to.... because your comments in the other thread made it sound like i am this hard ass taking shots at everyone all the time. forgive me if your post "got" to me (it didnt, really), because i figured it would be a positive thing to take a look at how i treat people on here....... and if i am really that bad then it would be a good thing to fix that. my mistake for trying to make changes (if necessary)..... i gave everyone a forum to speak their peace on Illmuzik's resident dictator....

thanks for the honesty though, guys. especially jaydub. thats.. reeeal.

at any rate, we all have to stop and look at the "man in the mirror" from time to time. everyone needs to make changes at times and i am no exception. i speak of my disdain for guys like kanye and their attitude and yet i dont always keep mine in check. its good to look at yourself. truth hurts sometimes, but its always good for you.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yea, i think that cold, maybe sometimes your a little hot-headed. but hey, that's healthy for the site.

if everybody on here was just pussyfooting around we wouldn't get much resolution on issues. knamean?




ill o.g.
i speak of my disdain for guys like kanye and their attitude and yet i dont always keep mine in check. its good to look at yourself. truth hurts sometimes, but its always good for you.[/QUOTE]

Kanye needs an ass whooping or maybe he's had too many in the past, hehe

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
lol, a lot of us do!

for real though, everyone tells me that i fly off the handle real quick.... even my supervisor at work! my friends, eevryone. i need to see a shrink or somethin....

but i guess that could be a good thing when it comes to dealing with these industry people, eh?


ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
lol, a lot of us do!

for real though, everyone tells me that i fly off the handle real quick.... even my supervisor at work! my friends, eevryone. i need to see a shrink or somethin....

but i guess that could be a good thing when it comes to dealing with these industry people, eh?

naw I read what was going on in the Beat This! comp. dude syn was sounding like he was bitching cause he didn't win, like Classic told me a while ago, you gotta have thick skin to do this!


I thought I was the Illmuzik dictator everybody hated, seeing some of my discussions in the past, my often very dark/sarcastic and very misunderstood humour and that people hardly never reply to any of the threads I start... ;)

Cold, we don't necessarily have the same opinions, but we are very alike in the way we act, but like me previously, you can get a little too fired up about people not thinking etc, and perhaps you got to give them and yourself a little room...I wouldn't care though... ;)

Now (as Cold would say)..."can we close this thread already?"


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
jaydub23510 said:
naw I read what was going on in the Beat This! comp. dude syn was sounding like he was bitching cause he didn't win, like Classic told me a while ago, you gotta have thick skin to do this!

ok... this really is getting old... no, i was not complaining at all that i didn't win... you can all think what you want... this really is getting really stretched out... i never expected to win... i never really even knew exactly what anyone was expecting to get... keep on thinking what you want out there... but you know what... if you ever need anything, just drop me a line... i was in this for the helping people out and networking to other people... i wasn't getting in this to start wars and stupid threads like this...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
StressWon said:
Yo G, I think ya one of the hottest producers on here. thats my opinion but ya in my top 5 favs from here.(illmuzik) Plus, we think alike on certain topics so I'm cool with ya son. I dont think anyone thinks bad of ya here man!




ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
SyN said:
ok... this really is getting old... this really is getting really stretched out...



Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
Ima tell ya dog sometimes you do get jumpfly quick and its like damn do you really have to get pissed at EVERYTHING, but most of the time you jus bein real cuz which I respect i been had respect for ya since waaaaay back because you tell it how it is, I dont know if this because of that message I sent ya but I wasnt tryna tell ya you make life miserable lol, you on point Cold dont sweazt it.

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
Oh you neva got it? I think I sent it to you right after that new dude asked you battle him and you were gonna ban him lol dont even worry about that though kenfolk you on point with ya shit.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
your the biggest asshole i've ever met in my life!!!
just kidding man, though you're edgy at times your still a homie. I've known you what 8 years, and yeah you are a dick, but hey, be true to yourself, if you really wanna be an angry, hater, dickhead, mean, sonavabitch, dont let anyone change you. just be true to
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