All the brilliant minds of IllMuzik...


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I hate to say this, but:

What makes this different from the last time this was tried (Talked about)? or, any of the other things that were supposed to happen? or the things that were started but died soon after?

People get hyped, but get lazy, and fall apart.

My issue with the "Lets Band Together", specifically, at the end of last year, was majority of the people ILL supported, ONLY supported themselves. Not only that, but they wanted US to do majority of the work for them with no sort of unity or sense of community. Favorites, politics, Egos all need to be LEFT behind. As I recall, there was ALOT of talk, some action, but it fizzled out very quickly.

There needs to be clear, GREAT leadership, organization, selflessness, great decisions, and a REAL community. Yall gotta be determined, committed, and enthusiastic, on and off the site. Dont let this fizzle out. And stay open minded. One love.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Well said, Dox. That IS the problem. I can only lead who wants to be lead. If there's no interest then of course it will fizzle. It may not work this time either, but we won't know unless we try.

Even just the forums, it will only be as busy as the members make it.


Roving Beat Maker
ill o.g.
I'm down, even though I'm a shadow here, I've learned more from this site than any other that I've been on. I would like to see some return on my investment in this music, want to be more than a hobbyist when my job is not in the way.


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
Is this the thread then?
Lemme explain away my reluctance.
It may be seen as hesitance or unwillingness, even laziness, that's why I feel the need to explain.
I consider myself the least on the site, just from my humble nature, and the state of my current development.
My mix is teribly slow and even after weeks of work, lacking, so I cant mix any projects...
My style of music is NOT radio friendly even if the production and technical shit was on pinpoint bullseye, so I don't expect to even be able to contribute much musically...
I got a few underground industry friends, I could prolly get you onstage in Orlando with as low as two days notice, not sure how helpful that would be...
But hey look, whatever I got is all for the project. And I dont want any money for it.
I just want due credit for anything I put a dent in, and the satisfaction of having actually brought one of hundreds of "great Ideas" to life...

So, maybe I'm not the only one who feels like the little guy, who came to the party emptyhanded...
I originally came here to network, but haven't stopped learning since I got here, this would be a great experience, and I don't wanna do anything to fuck it up.
In a situation like this, I can imagine anybody that feels like I do, might just hang back quietly and wait to be told what to do. Feel me? My gear list can be replicated with a weeks check at a pawn shop, I'm not tellin anybody what to do... See what I'm sayin?
So, maybe if you feel like there is no initiative, there might need to be more ownership...
I am a leader, but I refuse to lead this project, it is out of my scope, So instantly my best attributes are nullified. But I still want to contribute, so let me know.
You want me to upload tracks to hundreds of sites? Sure.
Build social media links? Right away.
The leadership needs to take advantage of all empty hands.
An empty hand is potential effort awaiting direction.
forgive my ramble, I'm out of rum...
Techlion360 at
But yeah, whatever you need, if I got it, it's ours...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
This is great, diskrete you've been around for a minute. I remember you from back in the day when I was just learning. I'd say you've been quiet but not really a shadow, you got seniority around Anyway, it's noted.

@odbarq - no worries, noted!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
First Odbarq...I'm right outside Orlando...we should link up one of these days...

2nd...I feel all yall on the teaming up thing..It is very tough...a lot of us have a lot of things on our plate (piggy from DP). I don't know if I speak for anyone else, but I've been doing a lot of work with mixtapes, trying to find some more local talent to get some exposure with.....Tie in a 9-5, being a husband, and I'm out of time. I actually spoke with wifey and I went Part time at my job to give myself more time doing the hubby thing... I'm learning a new genre of music and I haven't done a hip-hop beat in a minute....I'm learning to make beats all over again... does sound like an excuse, but it is the reality of my situation. I sent Stress a beat the other day, he's going to be featured on a track from a mixtape we're supposed to be dropping soon...

I actually would like to work with Stress a little more, but the artist I'm working with is being stingy, and their styles are very similar.... Hopefully if things improve here, I will be participating more so in the collaborative efforts.

Another thing.... A lot of us make beats.....pretty much all of us do. Most of us don't use the same software to make these beats.....we don't have the same drums/vst as everyone else.

I use Maschine...all day....I do have FL Studio still (can't seem to let go, even though I don't make beats on it). Not many of us have it....and for those who do, don't have the VST I have....which would curb production a bit.

Now for those who primarily mix, n stuff like that would be great to have on board, if they're cool with just mixing projects. That's a time consuming thing, and takes a lot of work....and usually an overlooked member of the system.


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
I know some of our boarders also frequent GS, have any core members migrated that way because they felt more in sync (no pun intended) with those half stuffy mix board guys, than with us half rowdy beat maker guys? If so we need to steal them back, no?

Sucio, no doubt! Hey, do you know Swam? I'll be surprised if our paths haven't crossed before...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah, we understand life comes first, that's with everyone here - I hope. Any contribution to the site would be great, the general idea is to build and grow. We all know - that's easier said than done. Fade and I are really putting some thought to this, we're not even looking at the 'build Rome in a day' scenario, we're gonna lay one brick at a time.

As you guys start working with fade, you'll get a feel of how much thought he puts in any decision that he makes. Sometimes it seems frustrating, but most of the time it turns out best. Unlike the mindset of big businesses where the top dogs get the credit, illmuzik relies on everybody else. We are the drive, not Fade. Fade could post to himself all day long and it wouldn't do anything for the growth of the site. That's where we (the members) come in. We are the ones that keep the wheels turning.

It's a matter of using the tools that we already have but overlook. Perfect example...if every member registered at illmuzik would make one post a day (that would be contributing about 3-4 mins of time), each time you came to the site, there would be so many new post that you couldn't possibly keep up with them without spending hours here. One 3 minute post from every registered member would literally generate hours of content. Think of what one article, one review, one person promoting, one person doing this or that would do. So it's very simple, small contributions make BIG differences!

As for working together...we'll figure something out. With the technology, resources and applications that we have today, personally, I don't see any brickwalls that can't be knocked down, walked around, flown over or dug under. We'll just have to put our heads together and find a way.


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
Am I understanding that step one is growing the site?
If so, what is the immediate goal that we are working toward?
Increased activity? Increased membership? Both? Neither?

And what is the final goal?
It looks like the final goal would be an increased level of activity, and range of motion that allows physical and digital projects to be completed and released steadier, quicker, and more inclusively.
Am I close?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It looks like the final goal would be an increased level of activity, and range of motion that allows physical and digital projects to be completed and released steadier, quicker, and more inclusively.
Am I close?
Exactly. Right now increase activity, signups, popularity, then move on to possibly working with certain companies through ads, reviews, etc. At the same time focusing on more branding through releasing singles, albums, and sponsoring events, etc.


ill o.g.
I'm up for whatever and where ever I'm wanted!
We need a new model for monetizing the artform.
We need to embrace new digital technologies.
We need to discourage theft by making costs more reasonable and products more valuable.
We need to make it attractive enough that the riaa and whoever else gets behind it nd makes it happen.
Can we do it?
Can it be done?
Is somebody already doing this?

You guys should consider being like Worldstar and just starting up a YouTube channel, posting the best music submissions. A lot of good producers, rappers frequent here.
Wow! This is a very interesting thread and I was very surprised it dates back to 2012! :eek:

Has anything been done in this regard? Was such a team created?

I agree with everything posted before. If we really teamed up together it could be something huge. Also I think that if someone could help @Fade in creating the site it would also improve a lot of things here.

I look up to him a lot as he's been responsible for this website for such a long time it's unimaginable. :eek: I respect you that you still keep it going.

Personally, I cannot code. I know nothing about it. I make beats and I've been trying to contribute a little to the content of Illmuzik by doing ILL Battle Report for about a month and a half. Something I'm still uncertain of doing to be honest as I don't know whether it's valuable and if people are interested in it. I'm not talking about opinions of people from this forum because I received some feedback that they liked it but you know these were just a few people that are active members on this forum. I don't know the opinion of other subscribers. I'm not sure if they are interested in these reports.

However, when it comes to teaming up it would be a brilliant idea to create a prodution group. Something in style of 808 Mafia or Anno Domini Nation. Personally, I would be very interested in doing something like this as it could open a lot of doors for all of us and could contribute to the improvement of Illmuzik in general. This is just my opinion.

But I also agree that we all have our lives, bills to pay, work, families etc. Also when it comes to money I think they are crucial factor when it comes to gain someone's interest in doing things like team.

You know, personally, I don't have much benefits from making beats or from anything associated with music. Of course it's a nice feeling when you get positive opinions or when someone asks you for feedback. I'm also happy to help others improve and it means a lot when someone asks me for opinion or feedback. I met a lot of amazing people on this forum and I still meet new members. But you know, I don't benefit from it in a material way. It's rather a way for me to spend my free time and it's just my hobby. I would love to earn money from music but my adventure with it showed me that it's not that simple and that I should forget about fairytales of being discovered by someone valuable in the industry or something. It doesn't work this way. Honestly speaking, there are LOTS of producers here that could make instrumentals for most famous performers in the industry. We all know it. But as I said it's not that simple.

I have to honestly say that I have constant doubts about the sense of me being involved in music as I see more perspectives for further growth and earning money in real job or let's call it in "opening a real business" than in music. :(

It's sad but it is what it is. :(

And I agree with @slimegreenbeats that it could be a great idea to create something similar to Worldstar Hip Hop for people involved in the community here. Btw @slimegreenbeats I would like to congratulate you on your channel. :D I visited it recently and your content is very good. :) It's very nice that you are able to grow your community and expand your channel. I respect you for that and I wish you 1 M subscribers. :)


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
centipede feet dont get tired, long as they stay organized. I am reading the thread and making a beat, and smoking and drinking so, my focus is at the right amount of conscious sub conscious for creativity, but not so good for immediacy. I will do my best to respond to this and the do you need rappers threads and the how to make a 100$ thread and wrap it all up. this is definitely the time. OFF TOP RN I know we need lawyers. anybody in here a part time entertainment lawyer? haven't passed the bar yet but good for consultation? we need a private chatroom.
Wow! This is a very interesting thread and I was very surprised it dates back to 2012! :eek:

Has anything been done in this regard? Was such a team created?

I agree with everything posted before. If we really teamed up together it could be something huge. Also I think that if someone could help @Fade in creating the site it would also improve a lot of things here.

I look up to him a lot as he's been responsible for this website for such a long time it's unimaginable. :eek: I respect you that you still keep it going.

Personally, I cannot code. I know nothing about it. I make beats and I've been trying to contribute a little to the content of Illmuzik by doing ILL Battle Report for about a month and a half. Something I'm still uncertain of doing to be honest as I don't know whether it's valuable and if people are interested in it. I'm not talking about opinions of people from this forum because I received some feedback that they liked it but you know these were just a few people that are active members on this forum. I don't know the opinion of other subscribers. I'm not sure if they are interested in these reports.

However, when it comes to teaming up it would be a brilliant idea to create a prodution group. Something in style of 808 Mafia or Anno Domini Nation. Personally, I would be very interested in doing something like this as it could open a lot of doors for all of us and could contribute to the improvement of Illmuzik in general. This is just my opinion.

But I also agree that we all have our lives, bills to pay, work, families etc. Also when it comes to money I think they are crucial factor when it comes to gain someone's interest in doing things like team.

You know, personally, I don't have much benefits from making beats or from anything associated with music. Of course it's a nice feeling when you get positive opinions or when someone asks you for feedback. I'm also happy to help others improve and it means a lot when someone asks me for opinion or feedback. I met a lot of amazing people on this forum and I still meet new members. But you know, I don't benefit from it in a material way. It's rather a way for me to spend my free time and it's just my hobby. I would love to earn money from music but my adventure with it showed me that it's not that simple and that I should forget about fairytales of being discovered by someone valuable in the industry or something. It doesn't work this way. Honestly speaking, there are LOTS of producers here that could make instrumentals for most famous performers in the industry. We all know it. But as I said it's not that simple.

I have to honestly say that I have constant doubts about the sense of me being involved in music as I see more perspectives for further growth and earning money in real job or let's call it in "opening a real business" than in music. :(

It's sad but it is what it is. :(

And I agree with @slimegreenbeats that it could be a great idea to create something similar to Worldstar Hip Hop for people involved in the community here. Btw @slimegreenbeats I would like to congratulate you on your channel. :D I visited it recently and your content is very good. :) It's very nice that you are able to grow your community and expand your channel. I respect you for that and I wish you 1 M subscribers. :)
Thanks man that means a lot. I almost gave up the channel this time last year, so to see things finally move is great. I hope to reach 1M as well, thanks for the support!

A lot of times it's just getting over small humps that turn discouragement into encouragement. With music for me, that was getting 1000 subs and being able to monetize. That really gave me the confidence to keep going.

What's funny is that videos i made like 2 years ago, when I was making nothing in music, are the ones that make the most now. For example I have this 'how to upload an mp3' video that makes like $20-$30/month on its own. That was one of the first videos I made, I didn't even have a mic at the time. I say this to emphasize that some of the work you have now, probably has way more value than you think.

I am a firm believer that you only have so many abilities to utilize in life. Music is a great ability to have, not everybody can do it. Look at this like a career, not a quick hustle. Just like with college, you probably go through 4 years of not making money, probably even losing money, before you get a decent job and make a return.

Any ways, if you guys need anyone to manage a YT account I'll throw my name in the hat, let me know! I'm always down to help the Ill.

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