
  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...

Mox of Blazin'

ill o.g.
aiight. beats that contains Samples being co

lets say that u had a beat that contained a sample, can u copyright it ?
or gotta get it cleared first in order to do so?

I tell y'all this. I had a beat copyrigted that contained a sample, but it was hard to identify. The beats I have now are like kayne's so u know they aren't difficult at all to identify that they all contain samples of old records.

Well y'all, I'm unsure about this. Does anybody here know the answer to my question? Or have think they have a good idea?

I'm out


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
You could copyright it.....thatz not the issue though because suppose someone else swimming in the same pool of thought you were in just by chance thought of a similiar way to flip that popular sample, but that person actually had enuff connects to get the permission need from the original creator to register and incorporate the work in his work or alter the original in some way...even though you got the copyright you still infringed on an existing one by not getting the actual permission needed to legally do it, that would nullify your copyright if it ever got to a legal standpoint and someone raised the would have to have permission from the existing copyright owner to actually use his or her sound recording as a part of your original composition....we have actually talked about this subject alot with in the last couple of years...LOL...anyhow you're gonna find a great debate on the board about this...the best thing is go to the copyright office web or call them they will clear it up and it will not be any of that oh yeah you can use a part of a sample or anything like that...they're gonna ask you if you got permission to either use part of an existing copyright or alter an existing either case you have to have the original registrars permission to do it....think of it like this...suppose by chance someone just had enuff of a piece of your work in a platinum hit and they copywrote it...what do you think?????? so the answer is yeah you can copyright it...because they may not check completely...but if it gets enuff notice or becomes a legal issue and they find out you copywrote it without permission then you might have a few problems...most people don't get to that level but if it did that would be the case you would be infringing on someone elses work....I'm not a lawyer but I would get one if I ever found myself in the position of copyrighting something that someone else created that I decided to take upon myself to incorporate in my original track....especially if they found out...they won't go quietly if you start making some money off of it's a risk involved so its on you....