Aging and what it does to your hopes and dreams


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
As you've gotten older do any of you feel that you haven't lived up to your own expectations?

How do you deal with it?

This is just a general question for y'all.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
as i've aged over the years i realized that i just need to enjoy life ITSELF period. I've realized that as humans no matter how old we get we are still always learning and evolving. its basically impossible to live up to our fullest potentials and expectations with only one lifetime. As far as my life personally...Ive evaluated it...and I have basically accomplished everything that i have set my mind too.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 170
It's funny. I used to have all these goals I wanted to accomplish as an artist :
1- being the greatest mc ever (whatever that means)
2- have a platinum selling album

Then I spent all my 20s in prison. So now, my goals are to provide a comfortable lifestyle for my family through my songs,beats, and engineering. I am not stressing, but the clock is definitely ticking.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
It's funny. I used to have all these goals I wanted to accomplish as an artist :
1- being the greatest mc ever (whatever that means)
2- have a platinum selling album

Then I spent all my 20s in prison. So now, my goals are to provide a comfortable lifestyle for my family through my songs,beats, and engineering. I am not stressing, but the clock is definitely ticking.

Yall prolly dont know , cuz hes humble, but this man is one of the best MC's Ive ever heard.
I was cynical before, but now Im older Im even more cynical.
I have dealt with a lot of bullshitters over the years and it gets very disheartening.

My hopes and dreams havent faded, I have invested years of my life and lots of money honing my craft and would hope that it could at least pay its way or return a little investment.

Things are on the up with the music at the minute, but like usual just have to see how it all pans out over time.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Well, I am not that old. Just over 30 and I my music career is really moving along. I still have a ways to go. But I can see a bright future.

When I get down about it, I listen to my entire catalog all the way back to bands I was in, and songs I have written over the years. This helps keep me motivated.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Sometimes I have felt a little down due to the initial goals I set for myself...which was "To get put on".

I do what DP does...I go through the music I've done over the years, and I remind myself that I have a gift, and I was able to share it with so many people...and I have so much fun doing it.

I've made some return on my investment....not as much as I would've liked, but a return, nevertheless.

I'm 32 right now....and I do think I have some years left of actually pushing the music. I know at some point it would become a hobby if nothing else transpires from this...but it doesn't bother me. Music has always been my Plan B....I know the chances of getting "put on" is extremely slim, and I accepted that.

I wouldn't change a thing, though.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
I'm happy where I'm at. My main goal was to make a dope album that gets received well and to perform in NYC. I got to work with 2 personal favorite emcees of mine. I've made my money here and there from making beats. I used to think there was an age limit to cut off being an emcee, but this culture and art form is still a "baby". I'm always gonna be writing music. Always will DJ. At the end of the day, I etched a small notch in the fabric of time for myself and it's only gonna get bigger. I don't want to get "put on". Just want to keep doing what I'm doing.
As Ive gotten older, if anything, Ive more noticed that my goals just kind of changed, things i used to think were important to me really aren't anymore. The bigger goals, im still chasing so well see how that works out haha.


Battle Points: 10
Blue Suede Shoes???

I had hopes a long time ago, and the only dreams I have are when I'm sleep. Now I only deal with realities. Things will be what they are, till they aren't what they're not.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
im just happy to be alive as some of my close illmuzik family on here they know i was in da hospital dying and i beat the odds!

when i got out i realize i have set to high of standards for myself and in actuality just set myself up for failure
we are and always and will be are worse critics
but i learn to except what life gives me because u will never know when it could be your last
on being able to make music walk, breath talk and see
we all at times take for granted on how precis just life can be! being ware im at and what im doing i am content but of course i will always want more but...... its life!!

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