Acid Question

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ill o.g.
Right so I sampled an old record that i had laying around. I used the beat mapper wizard to get my sample looping.

I want to now add a phat drum track to it, but i want to do it in Cubase because I find it easier to manage VST's in it and it's my main sequencer.

I haven't read the manual fully on acid, but how can i export my loop to cubase? (I'm sure it's really simple, i just don't know how to do it:headbang: )

Or could i approach my problem totally differently?


ill o.g.
Look at the top, where you see the pencil and eraser and all those tools, look just below that you see a bar, I think its grey, with a little yellow tip to the far right, move your mouse over the tip and the mouse arrow should turn to a slider, click, hold and stretch the bar to the entirety of the loop, or right click on it and select "Select Entire Project" once you got it stretched look to the left of the play all button, for the loop play back, and the bar should turn blue with lines vertical - now preview the selection and make sure its right on target, if not zoom in at the end to catch it perfectly - you should find this difficult if you haven't changed the grid setting, you'll find this at options -> grid spacing and click on 64th, this reduces the grid spacing, now once you catch the loop selection go to Tool->Render To New Track and click on it, this exports your loop to .wav - that should do the trick,
Hope I hElped

Medicine Man

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Or you can go to the file menu and choose render file as and save loop by loop to the hardrive.