Ableton Live 8 - warping an entire song - help

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Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Hi Guys,
I'm an MPC guy however I've recently been playing around with Live 8. One of the things I want to do with it is mash ups.
Here's my problem - warping entire songs to work at a given tempo takes a super long time.
Last night I was trying to warp "Tainted Love" and I had to move every single snare to the right to keep it on beat. I would think once I move two or three snares, Live would realize that this is an electronic song that's one tempo from beginning to end, however that's nto the case.
Can someone please tell me the easy and fast way to warp an entire song in Live 8?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73 you have auto beat warp set to AUTO and ON under preferences? If it's an electronic beat ableton should warp it automatically. But only if you have it set that way under preferences. Under preferences click the RECORD LAUNCH WARP TAB. Set to auto, select ON, and if the song is beat instensive change the DEFAULT WARP MODE to beats. For music with say a live drummer use COMPLEX! Of course with a live played piece you'll have to go in and move some markers around but you should never have to move each snare etc. With live joints I go every 10 to 20 measures and can pretty much get it locked in. Sometimes you can do the first say 15 bars....skip to the middle and do 15 then skip to somewhere near the end and everything will fall in sync.

It's also a good idea to set your project tempo as close to what you want before you drag in or import the sample. It's also a good idea to drag the sample into a CLIP in session view first. Once it's WARP'D you can drag it FROM THE CLIP VIEW to the arrangement view. If it's a constant beat with snares hitting at constant points with the right pre settings you shouldn't have to move any markers around. I know most of you guys aren't use to the session view so you go straight to what's familar "the arrangement view" but the session view is what makes Ableton GO!!!!! Start there for most things and then move them to the arrangement view. From the session view if you drag something from a clip and hoover it over the arrangement view icon (a little below the top right hand corner of the screen) it'll automatically switch to arrangement view where you can drop the sample on a track. Just make sure it's the same track as the session view track. i.e if you moved the sample from a clip on track 1 place the sample within track 1 in the arrangement view.

P.S. It takes a thinking man to work Ableton. If you like the "quick and easy", don't learn your program route you'll never get your head around Ableton, but I promise you one thing....once you learn this program NOTHING will replace it!


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Thank you LDB for the reply, I turned off the auto warp setting in preferences, I'll turn it back on and see if that helps. I'll let you know how it works out.
Have a good one,


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Worked great, totally rocked out last night, thanks

Kool....glad it's working out for you. You are one step closer to the darkside....lmao....ABLETON IS THE SHIZNIC SON.....

Soon your MPC will be nothing more than a CONTROLLER....mine is in a box....SEALED UP.... and I cop'd an MPD18 for feel.