DueceMade Ent. said:Riiiighht.....Well, i jus wanna see it cured so i dont have to be a "Human-PinCushion" the rest of my life, Im tired of that shit!
DueceMade Ent. said:Riiiighht.....Well, i jus wanna see it cured so i dont have to be a "Human-PinCushion" the rest of my life, Im tired of that shit!
cleverwon said:Just heard on the radio that chemists at Rutgers University found a cure for AIDS. Fuckin crazy.
mik-p said:the virus needs to connect to a special receptor on the cell before entering it. now what they have found (as far as i understood) is a way to erase those receptors. that doesnt kill the virus itself, it just makes it harder for it to operate, which is better for the infected person. another problem seems to be, that lots of people have those receptors naturally unincisive, so the virus never got used to it and found other ways to enter. those people wont benefit from that "immunization".
but they made it sound as if its a big step forward.
you think aids was "manufactured" by the US? Man thats the craziest shit i've ever heard. All these fucking conspiracy stories are rediculous. And where's the story of this "cure" for aids? I'm a little skeptical to be honest. Don't you think this shit would be all over the news if they cured the largest epidemic in our lifetimes? what the fuck. seriously. how many people here have actually read this news off more than one site or done any real research on it. How many people here have just heard about it thru this post?.......................Dantson said:Or they could destroy the U.S.... everyone know AIDS was created.....no..... manufactured here....
I say we blame Canada, though...
Hey, do you hear that? it sounds like hockey sticks being sharpened.....
orpheus said:you think aids was "manufactured" by the US? Man thats the craziest shit i've ever heard. All these fucking conspiracy stories are rediculous. And where's the story of this "cure" for aids? I'm a little skeptical to be honest. Don't you think this shit would be all over the news if they cured the largest epidemic in our lifetimes? what the fuck. seriously. how many people here have actually read this news off more than one site or done any real research on it. How many people here have just heard about it thru this post?.......................
orpheus said:you think aids was "manufactured" by the US? Man thats the craziest shit i've ever heard. All these fucking conspiracy stories are rediculous. And where's the story of this "cure" for aids? I'm a little skeptical to be honest. Don't you think this shit would be all over the news if they cured the largest epidemic in our lifetimes? what the fuck. seriously. how many people here have actually read this news off more than one site or done any real research on it. How many people here have just heard about it thru this post?.......................
orpheus said:you think aids was "manufactured" by the US? Man thats the craziest shit i've ever heard. All these fucking conspiracy stories are rediculous. And where's the story of this "cure" for aids? I'm a little skeptical to be honest. Don't you think this shit would be all over the news if they cured the largest epidemic in our lifetimes? what the fuck. seriously. how many people here have actually read this news off more than one site or done any real research on it. How many people here have just heard about it thru this post?.......................
Further... These researches are finding ways to combat HIV DRUG RESISTENCE. Not CURE HIV. NOT CURE AIDS. The two are exxxxxtremely different things. Still great news tho. But not cured. This shit will never be cured as long as corporate america controls the drugs and tries to make profits off it. I doubt if people in Africa, where AIDS spreads like fucking wildfire, could afford even one pill of these drugs. So AIDS is really not even close to being cured. Who the fuck cares if you got medication (tho we don't yet) if the people who need it can't get it. C'mon now. lets think about this
StressWon said:as far as AIDS manufactured,,,well, ya cant rule it out or say it is a natural disease. The shit just came outta no where! But as far as conspiracies go,,,i do believe cancer is man made. Cancer is found in more humans than AIDS and the treatments aint cheap, hence money being spent leading to taxes being paid. It always ends with the Government my man!
Dantson said:I'm not over religious or under religious... but I was thinking.... wouldn't be wierd if God actually created AIDS for some particular reason... I know, the shit is crazy but what if? Like, when Pietro the farmer cheated on his wife with their dairy cow, then BAMMM!!! God hit him with AIDS as a retribution.
Or something.
I say this because I heard somewhere that AIDS was God's payback for homosexuality... which was pretty ignorant but hey... it IS an interesting theory.
(Not the God on Illmuzik.com..... I don't want him giving me a bad name on the inside of the Industry....)
Dantson said:I'm not over religious or under religious... but I was thinking.... wouldn't be wierd if God actually created AIDS for some particular reason.......)