Tutorials How to Make Beats – Part 1: Getting Started

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* This is an 8-part series of articles on how to make beats. Mostly aimed at beginners, even experience beat makers can benefit from these articles.

Part 1: Getting Started

Why Do You Want to Make Beats?

Before learning how to make beats, you first have to ask yourself why you want to make beats in the first place.
  • Do you love music?
  • Do you want to be famous?
  • Is it just something you're interested in?
  • Is it just something you've always wanted to try?
  • Do you think it's the "cool" thing to do?
None of those points are right or wrong, because it's just about finding out what it is you really want to do.

If you love music, it doesn't necessarily mean you should create it.

If you want to be famous, maybe you should film yourself eating spicy food.

If you think it's "cool" then maybe you won't actually like it.

But if it's something you've always wanted to try and are interested in it, then go for it!

The overall point I'm making here is that, depending on your reason, making beats might not be the answer.

For example, if you enjoy cooking food, it doesn't mean you would be a good chef. Maybe you could do something related to cooking. You could be a food blogger, or even just someone that works at a restaurant doing something else in the kitchen.

See what I'm saying?

I'm not trying to discourage you from making beats, not at all. However, I'm only bringing up these examples because I've seen many wannabe beat makers try their hand at it and not do well at all. I've heard countless beats over the years and some have been very bad.

This doesn't mean that you will be terrible at making beats, it just means that it might not be a good fit for you.

But regardless of everything, if you still want to make beats seriously, then it's time to read on...

You Have to Think for Yourself and Be Creative

We're all influenced every day in one form or another. Whether you're making beats or rhyming lyrics, there will always be some kind of influence in what you end up creating.

However, when it comes down to the basics, it's still about YOU.

It's up to you to think and be creative.

If the beats you make sound like some famous producer's beats, that's fine, but you must always have your own style in there somewhere.

There will be times when you will want to just make a certain style of beat but I've always recommended that you instead just create whatever comes out of you naturally.

Organic beats! I don't know if that term has be used yet, but there you go.

So you can be influenced but always add that "something special" that only you can bring.

Be creative.

There’s a Lot of Work Involved

There's no secret formula and it takes years to perfect your skills. Beat making can be whatever you want it to be; basic beats or a style that no one has ever heard before. No matter what you choose, it will take a while to get there.

This is why in my previous point above, you must know WHY you want to make beats!

You won't become a success overnight, but you can definitely increase your abilities quickly. All you have to do is one simple thing:


As with anything in life, if you spend enough time doing something you will eventually master it.

Do that.

Further Reading About Beat Making
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There's no secret formula and it takes years to perfect your skills.
nice fade , but i got a problem , the thing is the formula of Progression cant be This , i mean just sit and play with a daw everyday and your skills will develop ? my problem is progress and practicing anything has an experimented formula in the new world , i got a good example for that ( true story ) : you know Brazil and Germany national football ( soccer ) teams right ? on 2014 World Cup these to teams had a match .

on one side Brazil had a country with football in the culture , for a Long amount of time most of the Brazilian population was financially poor , and most people played football A lot , football is kinda in their veins and they got expert in it by playing in the streets everyday since they were little just like their father and grandfather did .

on the other side Germany was a team with a system , in this team each player had a determined task , these players were gathered when they were 12 or 13 , learned and practiced each aspect of football in German academies and got used to the code of German football , practiced on a planned schedule and reached were Brazil reached .

the match ended by this score : Germany 7 - 1 Brazil . you may not know What a disaster that game was , but you are sure losing a game with 7 - 1 score Is Not a Good score At All ( losing presidential debate with 0 votes , or for American dudes , losing 7 - 1 is Really worse than what happened to Broncos on 2014 super bowl with Sea hawks ) .

so my point is Brazil kinda did the thing that you said and the systematic team won the match against them , what is that systematic practice in beatmaking ? this is why i don't like the traditional way that everybody introduces , The chance of being successful with a systematic way is Way more than the Traditional way , because a systematic way has an exacts formula that if Anybody do it in the right way , by a lot of chance he will be successful

thanks .
nice fade , but i got a problem , the thing is the formula of Progression cant be This , i mean just sit and play with a daw everyday and your skills will develop ? my problem is progress and practicing anything has an experimented formula in the new world , i got a good example for that ( true story ) : you know Brazil and Germany national football ( soccer ) teams right ? on 2014 World Cup these to teams had a match .

on one side Brazil had a country with football in the culture , for a Long amount of time most of the Brazilian population was financially poor , and most people played football A lot , football is kinda in their veins and they got expert in it by playing in the streets everyday since they were little just like their father and grandfather did .

on the other side Germany was a team with a system , in this team each player had a determined task , these players were gathered when they were 12 or 13 , learned and practiced each aspect of football in German academies and got used to the code of German football , practiced on a planned schedule and reached were Brazil reached .

the match ended by this score : Germany 7 - 1 Brazil . you may not know What a disaster that game was , but you are sure losing a game with 7 - 1 score Is Not a Good score At All ( losing presidential debate with 0 votes , or for American dudes , losing 7 - 1 is Really worse than what happened to Broncos on 2014 super bowl with Sea hawks ) .

so my point is Brazil kinda did the thing that you said and the systematic team won the match against them , what is that systematic practice in beatmaking ? this is why i don't like the traditional way that everybody introduces , The chance of being successful with a systematic way is Way more than the Traditional way , because a systematic way has an exacts formula that if Anybody do it in the right way , by a lot of chance he will be successful

thanks .

one noticable point : Brazil is the team with most world cups won of all time , but most of the winnings were for the old times when systematic football wasn't a thing .