3 Beats from Today


Battle Points: 24
Hard Times - this is dope. Would have liked that vocal to been thrown in more to be honest. Sounds so soulful. If you're intending this for an MC then the verse makes sense but otherwise I'd love to hear those vocal chops dropping in and out more often. Really nice work!

Never Again - again, nice work. Technically sound but not grabbing me the same as Hard Times. This one actually does seem fit for an MC to attack and bring the sound out.

The Pretender - again, technically sound and setup up nicely for some rhymes. Perfect drum selection on all 3 beats for me.

Very nice and VERY FAST work!!


Love the 3 beats, but for me personally...hard times is the shit!
Makes me realize that me myself and i (de la soul kind of speaking ) can put alot more in a beat than i did before

Great work man!


Battle Points: 21
Hard Times:
Drums go hard on this! Perfect example that a simple drum groove that bangs can provide a phenomenal foundation for a beat. I like that you didn't over do it with the percussion when it came in. Great sample! Greater flip. I like that, while elements repeat, there is a clear A and B section. The horns keep this bright and really add to the character. Mix is pretty good too! I can hear everything, nothing is overpowered/overpowering. The arrangement is also really tight. Good use of fills and transitional measures in and out of the A/B and Chorus sections.

Never Again:
How much money you want for that snare sample? lol. Bass has a great tone and is nice and tight with the drums. Again, another nice arrangement - the whole song captures you with the intro, builds, drops off and introduces new elements that all fit nicely over the main beat (drums/vocals/bass). I particularly like the piano. Nice depth and dynamic range!

Who doesn't like the Foo Fighters? Sorry but I wasn't feeling that pitch bendy bell/metallic sound in the intro. Hi Hats are really putting work in on this beat and pushing the groove forward. I like the little fills and changes in the drums - really has a live drummer swing/feel. Was not expecting the verse/main section would sound groovy based on the sample. The pianos really give this whole new life. Super cool tune!