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  1. sYgMa

    be cool

    didnt really see the movie, only that part I was talking about... mmmmh.... gotta see it now!
  2. sYgMa

    I Dont Understand....

    I'm also an advocate for simple beats... but I think that some beats are sometimes too complicated and are meant to be listened as imstrumentals only. Then again, some MC's are not versatile enough to spit on complex beats. That's them... not the beat... Actually, I try to do both simple and...
  3. sYgMa

    How do you guys think Hip-Hop influences...

    I think men DO degrade women, and it's a shame. But I think it is that way because women let them. If there was no women who would respond to such behavior, men wouldn't actually do such things. I'm not saying that men are not to blame, but they are not the only ones to blame there... I meet...
  4. sYgMa

    You can ditch those tritons and mpcs now...

    I'm gonna be sending B-b-b-b-bAnGeRz out like it was christmas....! who? Mike Jooooooooooooooooooones!!!! :dj:
  5. sYgMa

    be cool

    ...and the Cedric the Entertainer's monologue in that part? That was the truth right there...
  6. sYgMa

    Make Beats with your PSP that makes me wanna buy one... I didn't know people could make programs for the PSP!!! and people posted beats made with it on that forum too... Illmuzik should go in and smash those...
  7. sYgMa

    You can ditch those tritons and mpcs now...

    Man, and I wasted all that good money on vst's and all... Why didn't you post this sooner... I'm gonna be making bAnGeRzzzz!!!!!!
  8. sYgMa


    This is ridiculous! Who would post that crap?! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones! Who? Mike Joooooooooooooooones!
  9. sYgMa

    A Poem

    Doesn't happen very often that a girl admits she can be wrong... very good girl! Making a poem about it is a nice way to do things too.
  10. sYgMa

    I'm a bachelor baby!!

    Hope this is for the best. If it is... I'm happy for ya!
  11. sYgMa

    Lil karate man

    I saw that one a while back... "that kid can hanlde the bo" like the guy said... but he got some issues
  12. sYgMa

    Ill Muzik Project Idea#2 Share Melodies Basslines

    I wouldnt want to do that, son... The thing is, you can give a crum line on it's own, but a bassline generally fits the beat... (well that all depends on how you make your beats, but...) Lets just say that a drum pattern is more versatile than a bassline... and for that reason, giving a...
  13. sYgMa

    Bad things happen to good people

    One MONTH?! whoa! that way too long... glad you know how to handle your biz, man! And hope you wont get into any trouble from your commanding officers... Stay safe! Peace!
  14. sYgMa

    Culture and heritage...

    That's some deep shit, man! Actually, I know for a fact that Native Americans have a school board in Quebec... I dont know who runs it, but I intend to go work there in a few years (I'm a teacher-to-be) And, I dont know if there was anyone here (except for animals) here in America, before...
  15. sYgMa

    Culture and heritage...

    See, the thing is, here in Quebec, we dont have Afro-Canadians...the thing is, the history of black people in canada didnt really happen here, in Quebec (well, there was slavery and all, but not on the same scale as in the states or as the rest of Canada)... Most blacks here know their...
  16. sYgMa

    Quality of MIDI to Audio transfer

    the 1st question that pops in my mind is ... what's your sound card?
  17. sYgMa

    Culture and heritage...

    Both you and Class said the same thing about the west coast of Africa... Is there something in the history books that talk about it ? Or it's common knowledge ? (I'm really not familiar with African American history...) And since you kiiiiiind of know where you originated from, would y'all...
  18. sYgMa

    MPC 1000 + midi Keyboard (a noob question)...

    ^^^^ true. Actually, my main motivation in showing him how his mpc works is so he can lend it to me, so I can bang on those pads myself... looks fun!!! :)