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  1. wrightboy

    6 Weirdest things we have learned since 9/11

    that's why i only talk to my girl....and you assholes around here. lol.
  2. wrightboy

    Production Should You Only Make Hip Hop Beats?

    I hate dub step, edm, techno, etc. Guess that's why I'm not making any money, huh?
  3. wrightboy

    Distribution Basics, By, Wendy Day

    hey, it's 25 and change more than i've ever made off of my music.
  4. wrightboy

    Death of the industry. Big money days are gone.

    great post
  5. wrightboy

    Here's a cheap Limiter for your studio

    i say're an ass. ROFL!
  6. wrightboy

    Korg Volca Bass review

    i want it
  7. wrightboy

    Distribution Basics, By, Wendy Day

    can you quantify a "few" bucks? not trying to get in your pockets, but are we talking 10s, 100s, 1000s?
  8. wrightboy

    Do you mostly order online?

    what he ^^ said
  9. wrightboy

    New all-female DJ crew!

    Ass. Lol
  10. wrightboy


    I know how to dig. I'm just saying that I never like my finished product.
  11. wrightboy


    i can never find shit....or better yet, i can't find shit that i like and make a beat out of it that sounds like anything
  12. wrightboy

    Digging Wudge-U-Cop-While-Digging-Today?

    i haven't been able to find anything from his label, or any of his solo albums. might have to buy them online or something. i like to use him and isaac hayes for inspiration.
  13. wrightboy

    Digging Wudge-U-Cop-While-Digging-Today?

    Run DMC - Raising Hell The Impressions - Greatest Hits The Versatile Impressions Let's Do It Again soundtrack (Been on a Curtis Mayfield kick lately)
  14. wrightboy


  15. wrightboy


    Doesn't sound like a sample to me. Sounds like Pharell had Marvin Gaye playing in the background while he was making the beat.
  16. wrightboy

    Lamar Odom a crackhead?

  17. wrightboy

    2infamouz Trap Kit - Free Download

    Thanks. Not into trap, but I'll make something and post it.
  18. wrightboy

    *** Beat This! August 24, 2013 Voting ***

    1. Ayron Thelen 2. SoberMindedMuzk 3. Toryhooks 4. Reyne 5. 44MuZiK
  19. wrightboy

    Streaming services

    is @thedreampolice the only one?