Search results

  1. thedreampolice

    New Atlanta Recording Studio Ideas?

    Sorry just trying to help. With studios closing every day I was just trying to make sure you knew what you are getting in to. BTW no one is going to steal your business plan. So post it if you like, if not thats cool to. You can get the C24/hd2 bundled for cheaper. Is the designer working on...
  2. thedreampolice

    New Atlanta Recording Studio Ideas?

    you are wasting some cash with how you are setting up the HD and C24 systems. Also what is your budget for cables, power conditioning? How do you plan on making this thing profitable? What is your budget for the building? Making a studio work is a tough business venture and honestly the gear...
  3. thedreampolice

    Need input for a Podcast I am doing...questions..

    Hey all, I am working on a new Podcast that will help people with their recording issues. The idea is that people will email questions and problems they are having and we will answer the questions on the show. So what kind of issues do you guys have? Feel free to email them to...
  4. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    Does sound like a ground problem, How bad is it?
  5. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    What else is on that circuit? Is the guitar setup for really high gain like metal style?
  6. thedreampolice

    Porn for those of you who have gear lust

    not to be a punk but oh ya, also I have been able to play with that Matrix console a bit its very cool. I still like dcommand better with dangerous summing.
  7. thedreampolice


    The new waves plugs rock, SSL/API/V series the only hardware compressor that blew my mind as of late was the chandler stuff. AMAZING! But I am selling or have sold most of my hardware because I am just s plugin guy lol
  8. thedreampolice

    moog refill

    umm its a free download at the web site
  9. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    Right on, its actually cool. I deal with the same people usually. They love what I am selling. They are happy to hear from me. Many of them are now on my myspace page. Many of my now customers are my heroes and musicians that I have been fans of for years. Its crazy to hear your heroes voice on...
  10. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    Well I am one of those sales people. LOL There are guys at SW in sales making crazy money (100K +) so they can get top people to work there. We also train 4 hours a week as long as you work there. Check out the tour of SW ya I rock that foosball...
  11. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    To work at SW you have to pass 3 test's that take about 5+ hours to take. You also sit in a classroom for 3 months before you actually start your job. Its crazy intense. You must have an %80 or above to work there. I actually learned more in those three months than the last two years of Berklee.
  12. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    its all good man, I was just jokin around. Any way, the wiki way Balanced audio connections use a number of techniques to reduce noise. A typical balanced cable contains two identical wires, which are twisted together and then wrapped with a third conductor (foil or braid) that acts as a...
  13. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    lol, ha ha. I actually had to pass (several) 5+ hour test's to work at Sweetwater. In one of the test's I had to write an essay about what a balanced cable is. How it works, and the benefits over unbalanced.
  14. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    "because people typically use balanced lines to correct out-of-phase signals." WRONG! WRONG and NOT EVEN CLOSE!
  15. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    Some times they have better shielding, but the lower noise comes from common mode rejection Found in balanced cables. That being said if your gear is not balanced it wont make a huge different unless the runs are really long!
  16. thedreampolice

    balanced vs unbalanced

    Is your gear balanced? If no then it wont matter. Unless your cable runs are over 30' then I would go balanced anyway. But yes it DOES make a difference.
  17. thedreampolice

    It's so cold in the D!

    hmm, I smell viral marketing. Does anyone else think the vodka bottle is a bit much?
  18. thedreampolice

    It's so cold in the D!

    Man we watched this all day at work on tues. Funny as hell!
  19. thedreampolice

    My laptop crashed

    samsung does suck, I am with you on glyph!
  20. thedreampolice

    Add bass to tracks

    listen to the last few songs on my site, I am a bass player. So I use a real bass that I play in my songs. it does make all the difference