From Babygrande's site:
June 7, 2005
Jus Allah. His name means so many different things to so many people.
To some, he is the talented mc that first appeared on
Jedi Mind Tricks' undeniable classic album Violent by Design, then left the
group and spread unforgivable lies in an...
Damn. Ima still buy it just to support my nigga. Thats fucked up man. Bombshot is fucking the epitome of wack by the way. Yo, the tracks i heard so far are fuckin hot though.
Then Michael J. Fox takes us back in time to when Steez is just placing the c4 bomb in the closet. Fox gives Steez a hand wiring it, but his shaky alzheimer hands set off the bomb.
THey get real jobs. This guy i knew was a producer for sugar hill records and was raking in the dough back in the day. But he spent the money like it would never stop, and eventuall it did. So he ended up workin for my pops at a car dealership. Lol. crazy shit.