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  1. Sacred One

    Fade's quest to get an Akai MPD24

    yea congrats, I love mine, with that and my keyboard, I can make
  2. Sacred One

    MPD 24 Beat Making Video

    shit i'm jealous, he's killin me on mine, but i'm still learning tho
  3. Sacred One

    Dirty Cop gets his,,,,,,,,

    YouTube - "Stoned Cop Calls 911: A Drama" oh shit, this is the whole convo, man, this shit is funny as shit
  4. Sacred One

    Dirty Cop gets his,,,,,,,,

    oh shit, i think we're dead
  5. Sacred One

    providing a Hook along with a beat for an artist

    like iceman said, it could give inspiration, maybe the artist might come thru and like the beat but don't kno what to write about. Give them your hook and it might influence them more into buying the beat.
  6. Sacred One

    Mixing down in REASON 3.0

    one word rewire
  7. Sacred One

    HELP: Tracking out

    yea maybe its the sample rate, that can be the problem too
  8. Sacred One

    HELP: Tracking out

    u are using too much of the cpu memory usage, you gotta tweak the programs, I use ableton and it use to happen to me, i can help u with that. With ableton freeze the tracks after you get add all of the effects and all. That help reduce some of the memory usuage.
  9. Sacred One

    When Recording Vocals

    see i was thinkin about doing that, buyin a hardware compressor, one with eq too
  10. Sacred One

    When Recording Vocals

    Do I compress vocals after the take, or have the compressor on during the take? Reverb, more or less? any techniques becuz my vocals seems to not sound full enough, any secrets will be greatly appreciated.
  11. Sacred One

    Fade's quest to get an Akai MPD24

    I bought me one two days ago, the thing is a beats, sick shit, already made my first beat from it, but to get back on subject, when i went to Guitar Center, they had one left, and it was in the back room, i jumped on it, before anybody else, but its worth it.
  12. Sacred One

    the last sample...

    i do both, just like they said, but i mostly compose, but don't stop sampling man, who makes beats and don't
  13. Sacred One

    Full-Time or Part-Time?

    Part-time now, hopin to be full-time, but with a kid on the way, gotta have a steady flow of cash, knahmean?
  14. Sacred One

    Mpd 24

    is it easy to use?
  15. Sacred One

    Mpd 24

    what yall think about it
  16. Sacred One

    I Need Guidance

  17. Sacred One

    Other producers adding to your track

  18. Sacred One

    My New Sound Card

    well if u pick that up, might as well send the other one back
  19. Sacred One

    My New Sound Card

    Tascam Baby!!!