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  1. Formant024

    collecting vinyl

    bad case of hipster ?
  2. Formant024

    Humans have spent 2.85 million years playing Call of Duty

    currently 3750 hrs in TF2...
  3. Formant024

    I'm done with Reason

    @Greg Savage ; havent you tried rewire lol
  4. Formant024

    So I just got back from the clinic

    pics or it didnt happen...
  5. Formant024

    Street Fighter II: Church Edition

    something else..baptazia!
  6. Formant024

    PRISM, NSA and Crimes against the American people.

    Ive worked with plenty of US engineers during my days in semicon engineering and these people were laidback and never jumped to blunt conclusions about other cultures, quite the humble types. They themselves said its because they did nothing but travelling due to their jobs and slowly lost...
  7. Formant024

    PRISM, NSA and Crimes against the American people.

    so why dont the people in the US revolt... and yeah, tin foil hats will say told you so, ive been seeing this coming since echelon being abused by industrial complex.
  8. Formant024

    Liberia is a fucked up place

    ^^^and the dutch
  9. Formant024

    Liberia is a fucked up place

    Not just liberia, its common belief to eat the heart or what not of an opposing soldier to gain his strength. You'll see this happening everywhere in south africa where such conflicts exist. Its really a tribal thing and even though they have guns and military clothing, people tend to forget...
  10. Formant024

    New Mackie VLZ4 mixers

    he is sooooo gay anyhow, Going head to head with Summit, Neve (1073!), Grace and Manley... Just lol, ive never dumbed down the vlz at its time but thats the wrong ballpark and another league junior. Other than that VLZ always been solid and bit above budget but still in the budget range but...
  11. Formant024

    Logic Pro X is out!

    Shortkeys to window arrangements, like use numeric keys to go to windows you use most often. Like, set up "1" to open arrange window in full screen, "2" to open mixer, "3" audio editor etc.
  12. Formant024

    Logic Pro X is out!

    logic is fine clev, set up your screensets first to set out your workflow.
  13. Formant024

    14 best VST plugin drum machines

    Only been using microtoniq and punch for the synth drums, both are good but microtoniq is more eh, hardcore :) not your typical hiphop stuff. Neptheton/drumazon when i'd want to use something TR, but i dont really like em.
  14. Formant024

    The Magnetist short documentary

    `i hope you guys realised thats it acted lol
  15. Formant024

    I have reached the end of the internet

    Friend of mine blogs there too, theyre fast to bring out new stuff from all sorts, so could be good for you or ill too.
  16. Formant024

    I have reached the end of the internet

    coolest blog i know for hiphop music
  17. Formant024

    The Magnetist short documentary

    you CAN remove threads, even your own ones lol
  18. Formant024

    Showcase - August 4-6, 2013

    kdvs, its like listening to dutch language being really drunk :) But that's some quality feel good music, only think i could think of is perhaps a drift away from the same chords through out the track but thats just minor/ personal pref.
  19. Formant024

    Showcase - August 4-6, 2013

    made something after partying on my holiday in spain Soe; feeling it, shits mellow hzbeast; the days of dial-up are gone
  20. Formant024

    What happens when you release an "artistic" album from a great rapper?

    God i dont care, these same kids dont listen to mf doom either. Its just another confirmation that yeah, indeed, shit is retarded. That kanye trash gets more credit...