this is dope
i love how choppy this is, and a lot of people are asking me about the drums, it is intentional
the drums are not "off" it is a stylistic choice, but thank you for the feedback
this sounds really cool, at first i was not digging it but after a few listens i like it!
this is so great man! so many strange sounds
this is my latest beat, on the soon the be released WARPRIDDIMS tape. i appreciate any feedback
this is really cool, getting Ratking type of vibes from some of the drumming in the production, you seem to be a really creative person and able to work with a lot of different styles
thanks man, yeh i am working on a mixtape and then end was a transition, loving this track man, i like all the fade of sounds that come in and out, this is very original and chilled, also kind of reminds me of the producer MNDSGN