Mixing beats in different DAW to the one you made them in


Does anyone else do this? And why?
I mix a lot of my beats in Reaper, mainly for CPU reasons, but I also prefer the interface.
Normally I'll mix it roughly in FL, and export an mp3 to play back after a short break or whatever. If I think its sounding good enough to finish and not scrap, I'll go back, take off all the FX, and render the all the stems, which I then load into reaper. Once I have it all in front of me, with both the unmixed, and roughly mixed version, I sort of see the bigger picture and figure out where I want to go with it, if that makes sense.
For some reason I seem to get better results this way. I have no idea how, both softwares do pretty much the same thing, Reaper doesn't have much that FL doesn't, but I always get a better mix this way.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
not much to be said about that honestly, i also use FL a lot for sketching out a track which i then dump into Logic for mixing


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Although NOT considered a DAW...I usually do the track in Maschine, then import it into pro tools for mix.

I do it mainly because I don't really like to mix in Maschine. I don't like the EQs it comes with (I like the stock EQs in protools)...

I think that most people who do that do it for the reason I mentioned (just replace the daw with one or the other).
I think that most people who do that do it for the reason I mentioned (just replace the daw with one or the other).

Exactly, I produce in reason and I mix in one of pro tools, acid pro or cubase.

I like to do the final eq and compression using plugins, so I can use multiband compression.
If there is some finicky equing I have to do then I will track out the instruments Im trying to get to sit together, then complementary eq them with trackplug.

If processing power allows I dont track out the reason track, just mix it in reason and the final mix(with vocals) in cubase/acid. I dont normally have too much trouble with processing, even with shitloads of eqs and delays in reason.

That way the workflow stays fast and I can easily make any changes on the fly.

Im using mainly acid and cubase right now. They allow me to use the best mixing plugins, I swear by WaveArts "TrackPlug", Waves LinMB, WaveArts "FinalPlug".