How old, is too old?


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
"I been outta prison 2 years now, and staying clean. I worked my way up and got this shitty honda, and spent $20 on a roland keyboard. I'm 49 years old, and this is all I got, if I don't make it with this, I don't know what I'm going to do."

This was part of a convo I had with a guy who passed me his demo at 4 a.m. in the parking lot of my store. He's a regular customer, and kinda looks like an old beat up tupac, but he's a singer/producer...(not great vocals, but nothing autotune can't fix ;D)

He dropped me his 10 song demo, which was actually better than I expected, but my expectations were VERY low when meeting this guy, so that doesn't say much....

This made me think: How old is too old to try and "make it?" Has there ever been an artist that broke out big at an old age? What are your thoughts?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
New artists have never been older than 25 tops. But that was the past. Eminem and Jay are pushing 40 and the original hip hop generation are grandparents. The limit is being pushed back constantly, you just need to know who you are making music for and marketing to (Ie. probably 25-50yr olds).


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Right, that's what I said in the 1st sentence lol

Nevermind, I can see how you'd read it that way.

Knox Raw

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Hell, I'm 33. Been rocking since high school though (15yrs old). At the age I am now, I can't expect to be on the billboard charts rapping. I would much rather just keep this going as a hobby and build relationships with other artist that could expose me to other genres and opportunities. My focus is pretty much behind the scenes now. Then again the youngest cat in my crew is 27 (We are all 30-33 me being the oldest). It's hard to let go of rapping, making beats, and tracking vocals, etc....... I'll probably be doing this shit till I expire. But, yeah I feel like 40 is way too old to be trying to "BLOW".


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
Age is relevant if you're out front, if not, it's all about the relevancy of your work and age isn't a factor.

I feel the same way. This particular guy i was talking to might have a chance as a producer/ghost writer at that age, if he was like super talented, but from what I heard he would be on the american idol rejects reel....... I kinda feel sorry for him.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Honestly I feel like even "trying to blow" is the wrong approach for about anyone. Here is what I have been working on and it has been working so far AND my income from music is steadily growing each month. I have been trying to build a following of people who like music that's a little off the beaten path that are in to the style of what I do. I mean I get that my stuff can be abstract at times, but you know I can only be me. I market to this group, build my mailing list one name at a time and just work on as much music as possible. I think the Phish and Grateful dead approach is much better and will lead to a career in music and not just hope for one or two hits, but more like slow and steady income. Also the approach can be done at any age!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Honestly I feel like even "trying to blow" is the wrong approach for about anyone. Here is what I have been working on and it has been working so far AND my income from music is steadily growing each month. I have been trying to build a following of people who like music that's a little off the beaten path that are in to the style of what I do. I mean I get that my stuff can be abstract at times, but you know I can only be me. I market to this group, build my mailing list one name at a time and just work on as much music as possible. I think the Phish and Grateful dead approach is much better and will lead to a career in music and not just hope for one or two hits, but more like slow and steady income. Also the approach can be done at any age!

This is exactly what everyone should be doing. Its hard and long work, but its the real way. Email direct to each person. And deliver customer service


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I kinda disagree, I mean "trying to blow" is gonna take a lot of hard work anyway, thats a given. But settling or anything less is not a sign of confidence imo, we need to get away from that "dumb it down" mentality and get back on track with what we did in the past - aim for the stars. If you don't make it, then settle.

Hard work and building a fan base isn't really an alternative course, it's mandatory! It has always been a necessity to have a following, but I get the impression that we feel like we have to lower our standards if things don't work out (in the early stages of our quest) and I'm just not feeling that. I'm not saying that just because you bust your arse you're gonna blow either. But you gotta aim for greatness no matter what. How can you build a true following if your goals are to be that local guy that everybody loves and be content with that?


ill o.g.
yes "out front" wouldn't be the direction for a person of that age. But "behind the boards" IS VERY possible, at any age. If you produce, keep your ear to the street and get in the minds of the youth.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Side note:

How can you build a true following if your goals are to be that local guy that everybody loves and be content with that?

Unfortunately, this is exactly what people work towards. They'll say they want global, but only plan, work and strategize for local, their whole "career"


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I don't think it is settling to rely on yourself and build your own business for success. Instead of trying to get a record deal and wait to get discovered. Blowing up ALSO takes an amount of luck and being in the right place at the right time. My way just takes years of hard work and blood sweat and tears but it DOES work for sure in the end.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
I think there needs to be hip hop for kids and hip hop for adults. Kids need to make hip hop music for kids and grown ups need to make hip hop for grown ups....but in today's music climate...being older is just not "marketable" as the powers that be would say. Hip Hop for grown ups is just called "old school hip hop"...but there is a huge market to cater too when it comes to the older crowd and I don't see why existing labels don't really cater to that demographic when it comes to hip hop. I mean....cats like Rakim and KRS 1 should still be getting airplay imo.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I don't think it is settling to rely on yourself and build your own business for success. Instead of trying to get a record deal and wait to get discovered. Blowing up ALSO takes an amount of luck and being in the right place at the right time. My way just takes years of hard work and blood sweat and tears but it DOES work for sure in the end.

You should expect 10years of constant, in public work, before you amass enough support to justify the term "Blow up". (One of the southern producers, I think Polo the don) was putting in work when Lady of Rage was doing her thing and he just got a break a few years ago (Joe Budden's mood music is taking off in the last few years. And now he is rockin with Shadey. Theres a shit load of examples)

And this isnt to DP specifically, this is to everyone. Success and acclaim takes 10yrs of consistency.

I think there needs to be hip hop for kids and hip hop for adults. Kids need to make hip hop music for kids and grown ups need to make hip hop for grown ups....but in today's music climate...being older is just not "marketable" as the powers that be would say. Hip Hop for grown ups is just called "old school hip hop"...but there is a huge market to cater too when it comes to the older crowd and I don't see why existing labels don't really cater to that demographic when it comes to hip hop. I mean....cats like Rakim and KRS 1 should still be getting airplay imo.

One of my biggest demographics is 30+. The desire for new music knows no age lol


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Man..I could've swore hip-hop was universal..... Let's not break it up to even more different genres....that's why hip-hop is at this huge divide....


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
The divulge is what gives people a chance to identify their niche and actually make money from their hard work. Marketing is based on these "seperations". From a music merchants pov.

A fan wouldnt want to seperate them initially. But this allows people to better say what they actually want to listen to


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
It's all about gaining fans, I don't believe in luck, I can't think of 1 artist that has a kazillion fans that isn't considered "blown up", lol. So that tells me that luck has nada to do with it. We make music that we like -vs- those that make music that everybody likes. You have to be in a position "create/convert fans" by convincing them that your ish is better than anyone elses. Labels only care about marketing, show them those kazillion fans and you are officially "blown". So called "luck" only becomes a factor when you don't have that fan base, thats when the labels start referring you to their artist research and developement department. Make yourself relevant and the fans will come, but in any case, your fans make you a success or failure. =)

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