hmm yo momma jokes?

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
I leave you all w/ this:

Ya moms is so nasty Jerry Springer refused to have her on the show. And Maury said he cannot continue to administer DNA tests to find out who YOUR father is!

Have a good and SAFE Memorial Day weekend everybody. And for those in the area, please mark down June 22nd on your calendars to come show ya boy some support. I'll be performing at Blaggards in NYC. I'll have more details hopefully after the holiday weekend.

P.S. "Your mother sucks cock in HELLLLLLLL"

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
....mark down June 22nd on your calendars to come show ya boy some support.

If anybody heckles you, hit them with some of these Momma jokes. There are so many on here now someone should make a new Pharcyde song with new Momma disses.

Your momma got a baby arm... so her beat juggling sucks....

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
yah mom was a groupie for Genesis and still plays a Sega
got a glass eye that glows red like Arnold Swartzanega
fake ass miss cleo accent like she was from Jamaica
went to Colorado and get raped by an LA Laker
no oven in the house talking bout "I got pies to bake up"
got shot by the zoo keeper because she forgot her make-up


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