what's the better program cubase or reason 3?


ill o.g.
I am starting to get pretty familar with reason 2.5 just owning the demo for 3 days and Im really great on flstudio I want to keep expanding and move on to cubase becuase I need a sequencing program right now


It really depends on what you want from the program. People who use and work with any of the programs you mention will say that it's the best, cause that's what they are good at and what works for them. Therefore, it really is what works best for you and what you want to do with the program, as well as practice and learning the program you get.
ill o.g.
Reason is a great program so is Cubase but they are completly different and are used for different things niether is better than the other.

Equality 7-2521

reason is simpler.

as jimba said, if you want to still use reason but also want to use cubase, rewire reason into cubase. the advantage of using cubase as your host program is that you can plug in other shit as well as reason.


ill o.g.
*sigh* they are different....ill leave it at that....

god im a helpful twat


I wage to say that reason is not really comparable with cubase or nuendo at all.I use reason since its beginnigs even since rebirth so to say.Cubase is a hardcore proffesional open tool,reason is really fast limited even though maybe most fun to produce/ compose with.Steiberg is a higher level at all.At least when it comes to profesional productions.Reason could be the lil brother hehe 'And in the end the best way is your personal favourite way.'And of course rewire can be your best friend.This is my opinion.peace

The Arkitekt

Ya but doesn't Reason not support VST's? Thats a big downfall when mixing cause pretty much everyone has theyre little plugins they always use. I.M.O. Reason is just really good for rewiring into other sequencers/DAW's because it has really good instruments if you use synths and stuff. It's just like a big ass soundbank.


ill o.g.
Correct. Reason doesnt support VSTi's. Which isnt that bad actually. They say its a stability thing.

In my opinion, the rewiring setup between Reason and Cubase is the best in the biz. These two were designed for each other, so to speak.

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
This topic is nearly 4 years old!

I'm not going to get into the debate between which DAW is better than the next for their pros/cons, as once you find the one which is best for your workflow you just have to go with it - than to try and force yourself to like something else which another person claims to be better.

That's one of the reasons why these topics never stop, it's like they say '' It's not what you've got, it's how you use it '' Plus most people don't confide themself to just 1 DAW.

Don't be a follower, be a leader and decide for yourself !!!



ill o.g.
i say reason

The Arkitekt

Yea word Redrum. The only thing that effects sound quality in DAWs is the actual sound quality (bit rate, etc.), and ya of course it's how you use the software and and person using it, just gotta find your thing. I think different programs have different uses. Reason doesn't support VSTs, so if you wanna use all your nice plugins and shit while mixing, then you can't. But Reason has great sound banks so it would be ideal for use as rewired for me. The sequencer on Reason just plain sucks i.m.o though. But if you can make great stuff with Reason then go ahead, i aint complaining.

The Arkitekt

eh, you forgot to quote the part that said "i.m.o.". If it works for you then great man, do your thing with it. Just throwing in my thoughts/suggestions, and yes iv'e used Reason 4.

The Arkitekt

Yea lol it's understandable. I'm an FL fanatic and I get defensive over it sometimes.

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