What about Cubase?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Cubase has some issues though, considering most here didnt pay for their version but with the release of 4 you received sx3 aswell, as a back up as there were a lot of issues of which an update came about a year later...you have no clue how many people are really pissed off and will not continue to buy the next release, and i do mean from a professional point of view, lost their investment and their workflow. I started out with cubase myself, its the core of all sequencing programs but they're dated, i dunno...its not the company it used to be anymore and logic and pt are already miles ahead, their support is really sub par.


ill o.g.
Their support does suck from what I've heard but I've never had to use it, nor have any of the bugs affected my work flow. I've been using Cubase since it was called VST 5. Opinions vary, but i disagree with the statement that other sequencers are miles ahead. In the sequencer war I think its really a tight race and more of a "what works for you" type deal instead of which one is better. Cubase will definitely eat your wallet for breakfast compared to Logic and Sonar. I have Protools M-powered also and it is unequivocally a step down compared to Cubase. Thats just my opinion.

And you dont get SX3 with version 4 when you buy it. If you buy version 4 thats all you get. if you already have version 3 and upgrade to 4 then you can use the two side by side.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
the support and the complaints have to be taken with a grain of salt as the cubase forum is both users and mods have a bad rep, either they complain about every little nitpick like it's the armageddon or mods that are way to heavy-handed. i personally wouldn't look for official support from cubase.net forums.

things i've seen mildly upset or throw caution to users of sonar, logic, even pt would give some of those dudes at that forum coniption fits, lulz. plus the site is full of those rabid reaper users who (not all) can troll like nobodies business, especially at other daw sites like sonar, cubase, samplitude, etc...

like any site, the vocal ones are in the minority (and most pro's don't post), even if the probs are legit, most find workarounds, regardless of daw

and how can logic and pt be miles ahead when they've just recently added things that have been in cubase from time?

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