Timbaland Interview 4/2/2007


Pressure Makes Diamonds
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
Dude's got an ego. I liked him better when he was chubby.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
it's one thing for a vet who has remained at or near the top while changing his sound and style every couple of years, ho is constantly evolving and bringing a new twist to the music and managing to dominate music each time out with each new approach, to have an ego. especially when this last year has basically been the first time i have heard him start boasting like this.

say what you will about the "newness" of each sound. people say stupid shit like, "oh, he just jacked drum and bass" or "he jacked trance" or "he just jacked world music"
well, you can say that shit about every motherfucker who ever touched a sampler, right?
if you sample something, all you are doing is jacking that and calling it yours... right? so unless people want t alter their definitions, we can't use that to downplay the mans IMMENSE impact, for better or for worse.

me personally, it's irritating to hear anybody blow themselves as hard as timbo has been lately- it bugs me to no end- but really, i'd much rather hear it from an established vet like tim then a new jack like kanye, who felated himself at every turn ever since he ha dthat wreck... remember, ye had a couple years of domination, meanwhile timbo has had like 7 such stints throughout his career... thats a point where you have at least EARNED the right to reallt boast that your the best... lets see polow or ye or any of these other ego maniacal
new jacks doin it like they are in 2020 befre they act like they are kings... at least timbo has a looooooooooooong and highly successful track record before he started talkin his shit


ill o.g.
he also started talking like this cause people in the record industry said he was finished and washed up, and it hurts to hear that man, i dont care how thick your skin is. if ppl were running around the industry saying you finished, and then you come back and for the 5th or 6th time in your career become the hottest producer around, produce the 2 biggest singles and the biggest album of the year, you wouldn't talk some shi*? i've read a lot of tim interviews cause he's my favorite producer and i don't think he talks this stuff to annoy or piss of fans, its just to get under the skin of producers and a&r's who were talking shi* on him and saying he fell off...returning the favor if you will. like cold truth said the guy's earned the right.


ill o.g.
All i know is that a REAL VET music wise, would never tell or say that NO ONE IS BEATER then him...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
He's just voicing his opinion. He's also trying to get other producers to step their game up. I love the fact that he thinks no one is better than him, that just makes me want to be that much better than him. Timbaland is right though, he pretty much is the best around; the most proven in the industry. Hit after hit, more influential each time than the next one. I'm comin' for Timbo. Listen to 2 Advanced on my playlist, I have like 200 tracks just like that. My whole drive for making beats was sparked by timbo a long time ago. Ever since, I've always wanted to be alongside him in at least one beat making process. I'm going to be one of those producers that rivals his sound. I've only just begun, I'm just playing and learning things right now. I still don't have all the equipment/software I want yet.

Bottom Line:
pull out a tracklist of any producer and see who can keep up with as many CONSISTANT hits throughout the years. and at the same time, switch his sound up each and every time, only to have it copied countless times, then switch it up on us again. He's the best.


Pressure Makes Diamonds
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
He has all the right to be cocky, he's an inspiration and so influential to music in the last decade. But personally, I would appreciate his music even more, if he was more humble. Don't ask why, I just value character I guess.

Erica Johnson

ill o.g.
Dude's got an ego. I liked him better when he was chubby.


On the real though, I really didn't notice any UNNECESSARY EGO in his interview, you know? It's the damn music and entertainment industry, if you ain't cocky, you don't get everything you could have. Who in the music industry gets as far as they could without an ego? You'd be a fool to remain TOO MODEST in this industry. Which is exactly his attitude at the moment.

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