Things moving back in the right direction?

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
Good to read, i think Netflix just cant afford it to be "woke" anymore, they lost so much customers and potential profit. I think they re in survival mode right now and this is the right step to take.


Big Clit Energy
I’m @Iron Keys sick of “wokeness” diverting from its original intent.

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
I’m @Iron Keys sick of “wokeness” diverting from its original intent.

Imo ppl in general should just stop being such snowflakes and learn to take care of themselves, everyone. I mean being respectful n shit is self explanatory to peeps with some brain cells but there always will be dumbfucks that talk shit and its literally hot air coming out of their mouth.

We people are social beings, so everyone should surround themselves with real people to back them up and if some fuck wants to get physical, he/she gonna catch some and thats it. Thats how life always been. All this woke shit is just forcing us to behave against our nature and therefore go mental af. We all are retarded and the sooner we all accept that fact the sooner we start to feel better again.

Self defense should be taught in schools and other shit like cooking and knowing what shit is growing in nature that surrounds you and what you can do with it to make food and/or treat illness/wounds n shit like that.

The state of humans right now is no different from industrial cattle, like check this, we go into store to get our pets food in cans and the same shit we do to ourselves, so basically right now we re pets of the governments. And they put this "woke" shit upon us to distract us from thoughts like being fking cattle in a cage.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
woman up GIF by Paradise Hotel

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 565
Really, the world shouldn't have to adapt the few, the few should be helped to adapt to the world.

If you can't stand people talking cause of some mental condition, you can't ban the world from talking, you have to help the person with the mental condition.

At the moment they've been doing the opposite, carry on like that and no one will be allowed to do anything.


Big Clit Energy
The @2GooD Productions original meaning of "woke" was/is an old school Black slang term for awareness, consciousness, etc. in regards to social issues. Today it's been bastardized into so-called oppressed groups expecting the world around them to adapt to them. Best example is those who don't identify as straight feeling that heteros oppress them. Society is heteronormative so the fact that they are anything other than straight goes against the "norm." Ditto for "trans" people. I'm against both of the aforementioned being literally killed, etc. but that's the result of those who are not "trans" feeling "threatened" so they act on that threat via murder, assault, etc.

As someone who is attracted to men, I never felt threatened by lesbians. But I will/would check one on some "DFWM" attitude.

Personally, offline I've been slowly detoxing myself from the shithole known as TV and/or online "news."


Big Clit Energy
It's @DPrezd Beggar the younger millennials that started the snowflake shit. They also started cancel culture. Society is in disarray due to toxic group think coupled w/extremism and narcissism.

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
It's @DPrezd Beggar the younger millennials
Humans learn through observation and mimicking. I dont think they came up with that shit themselves. They were indoctrinated in schools by old people that were told to do so by other old people that were told to tell them by other old people that got paid to do so. By other old people..

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