So I'm trying out ChatGPT


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
This is insanity. I asked it a few questions and it was pretty good.

Then I asked it to make a beat and it can't but at least it told me what I need to do. So for those that want to get into beatmaking, this is what it told me:


Me: Make a beat.

GPT: I'm sorry, but I am just a computer program and do not have the ability to create music. However, I can try to help you make a beat if you'd like! What kind of beat are you looking to make? Do you have any specific instruments or sounds in mind that you'd like to use?

Me: Hip Hop

GPT: To make a hip hop beat, you'll need a few things:

  1. A digital audio workstation (DAW) - This is software that you can use to create, edit, and produce music. Some popular DAWs for making hip hop beats include FL Studio, Ableton Live, and Logic Pro.
  2. Sound samples - These are pre-recorded sounds that you can use to create your beat. You can find sound samples online, or you can record your own using a microphone and a recording device.
  3. A drum kit - A drum kit is a set of drum sounds that you can use to create a beat. You can find drum kits online, or you can create your own by recording individual drum sounds using a microphone and a recording device.
Once you have these things, you can start creating your beat! Here's a simple process you can follow:

  1. Open your DAW and create a new project.
  2. Import your sound samples and drum kit into the DAW.
  3. Choose a tempo for your beat. A common tempo for hip hop beats is around 80-100 beats per minute.
  4. Create a basic drum beat using your drum kit sounds. You can do this by adding drum sounds to a drum track in your DAW and arranging them in a pattern.
  5. Add other instrument sounds to your beat. You can use your sound samples or record your own using a microphone and a recording device.
  6. Edit and arrange your sounds to create a complete beat. This might involve adjusting the volume and panning of your sounds, adding effects like reverb and delay, and arranging your sounds into a song structure (such as verse, chorus, and bridge).
  7. Save and export your beat as an audio file.

The robots are coming for us........

terminator GIF


☘️EireWaves ☘️
mwuah hah hah ha

ah shit Fade, best LOL i've had this year- so far. theres a lot of established produceres/artists out there that could do with having a yap with that chat GPT. (although Kanyes excuse is his sounds are experimental and ppl are buying it)...


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Fury Beats

Fury Beats
Battle Points: 242
I have tinkered with Chat GPT for a few use cases. I even started making a Google Chrome Extension with it. It is pretty good with coding as well but you have to know what to ask it or it will go in the wrong direction if you think incorrectly and give it a bad command.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I have tinkered with Chat GPT for a few use cases. I even started making a Google Chrome Extension with it. It is pretty good with coding as well but you have to know what to ask it or it will go in the wrong direction if you think incorrectly and give it a bad command.
It was pretty good in explaining code. I even just pasted some of my code in there and it gave me some tips on how to secure it lol.


☘️EireWaves ☘️
Sorry to anyone who has the nous to use CHATGPT and run its code. i jumped the gun and didnt mean any disrespect. had a look a the portal page this morning (irish time) and seen the complexities in using/running it!!!

I also ran a quick search and apparently Alexa can also instruct in a smaller capacity how to construct a beatand that was why I was having a lol!

altho Kanye could probaly use CHATGPT whereas my knowledge of programming is so outdated ( back to Windows beginnings when Database3 was in use).

So again hats off to you guys that can actually instruct AIs and no offense intended.

Fury Beats

Fury Beats
Battle Points: 242
On another note, they are saying that Chat GPT4 can pass the Bar Exam

Maybe not this version @ 3.5 but the next version will be able to.



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
This shit is nuts. It's learning. IT'S LEARNING. LOL.

I was using it today to help me code and it's miles ahead of just Googling how-to's. If you're someone that codes, this is a goldmine.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I love the way it debugs and will tell you what was wrong with the code that you give it.
Exactly. I had a comma in my code that didn't need to be there and I guess after a few hours of coding I didn't even notice it, so the error code told me there was a comma and I'm like "WHAT COMMA?". So I pasted it in chatgpt and it just spit it out without the comma then I realized.

I also pasted my code in and told it to optimize it. Really cool stuff.

Fury Beats

Fury Beats
Battle Points: 242
Exactly. I had a comma in my code that didn't need to be there and I guess after a few hours of coding I didn't even notice it, so the error code told me there was a comma and I'm like "WHAT COMMA?". So I pasted it in chatgpt and it just spit it out without the comma then I realized.

I also pasted my code in and told it to optimize it. Really cool stuff.
It's a game changer for us developers for sure. Today, I also had it rewrite my entire resume in chunks to target a specific job I am going after and it also performed in a stellar fashion. I am actually subscribing to the service. I have used it in many other instances as well.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It's a game changer for us developers for sure. Today, I also had it rewrite my entire resume in chunks to target a specific job I am going after and it also performed in a stellar fashion. I am actually subscribing to the service. I have used it in many other instances as well.
Nice! Yeah I just noticed the pro version. I'm going to wait a bit and see how much more I end up using it, but I'll most likely get the upgrade. I think most people will.


Big Clit Energy
@Fade have you seen this


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