Showcase - March 23-29, 2015

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Battle Points: 8

I like it but your mixing is not good.. kick is not loud enough and all the hihats and percussion stuff needs to be more quiet, try to seperate it more on left and right pannel.

Not Bad Pretty Chill Beat But You Do Need To Master Your Sounds More The Tambourines Are More Louder Than The Others

Dope! You found some great samples there! Easy listening here

What do you think about my new beat?


Hey all!

This is an old school beat I made. Give me some feedback, follow me on soundcloud and I'll do the same. thanks.

Just wanna share some new stuff, the first three I did last night the last one maybe a month ago. A few years ago I was producing quality better than this but fate didn't allow me to continue. These are a shade of what once was but also a sign of what's to come. All feedback welcome.

"Lucious Lyon Right Before He Whoops Dat Trick"

"If Trick Daddy Were White (and still made) I'ma Thug"

"Can You Teach Me To Hip Hop?"

"Nightmares While Awake" [rough draft]
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