sample tank 2 (vst)


ill o.g.
im glad i havent had any problems with my sampletank its one of my most important tools i got lol...but that shit has happened to me on other VST's


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Lazy Eyes said:
naw man.. can't u select mono or polyphonic?

And in what program are u using it??

.. Lazy

lol. well he did post in the FL Studio section..

but nah i never heard of that problem

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
I have the same problem everyonce in a while. I've succesffully gotten around it a few times. You have to make sure the notes aren't too close to each other. I had this one problem where a string pattern would just keep playing in the middle of the second chorus. I went back to the string pattern and shortened the notes so they didnt go to the very end of the bar and it worked after that.

open mind

upgrade your ram to minimum 1GB then the prob will blow away like a soft wind.


ill o.g.
This is caused by the computing power of your pc...sampletanks drags and demands power...if you dont have it to provide..the software is basically useless...why?...because you cannot tinker with the tons of buttons on that thing the fx's, the stretch engine, and my favorite the layering of instruments...once you mess with any of those mostly the stretch engine that holds or shapes the sound of the instrument if your computer dont have the power it'll either freeze, crash your your case your lucky it's only holding the note...Solution when you load the instruments especially like strings or symphony instruments leave as is....which defeats the purpose of the software... once it goes crazy remove the instrument and try another keeping the default settings and removing the fx's....


ill o.g.
you may want to increase you software buffer if its not an external soundcard.
that should give you enough room to work with sampletank...