Recommendation on DJ Controllers for a Beginner


Battle Points: 24

I know none of us are Facebook friends lol, but if we were, you'd see that I love sharing new music with people so I thought why not turn it into something. I'm looking to start up DJing and want to know what y'all think about that Under $500 list in the link above. I'm eyeing that Pioneer DDJ-SB, but would like to know other people's thoughts. Maybe possibly get some recommendations that aren't on the list since both the hardware and software aspects of this are all completely brand new to me.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Not sure. It's hard to tell with the under-$500 range because to get what you want, you'd have to spend more. Pioneer has been kicking ass as of late, so they're a good choice (the DDJ-SB). But if you want all the features, you need more $.


Battle Points: 24
I'm going to have to check that link later since I can't open it up on my work laptop, but how much more are we talking/what additional features are missing from the DDJ-SB? I know it only comes with a limited version of Serato, but I'm willing to upgrade that or just use Virtual DJ. My goal for now is to find some starting equipment to create some live mixes. I felt like the DDJ-SB was enough for that unless I'm seeing it wrong, again, I don't have any experience in this field so I might be not thinking of other things.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Well basically if you look at and see what features they have, you can get an idea.

I don't know too much about the controllers but I know Traktor software. If you just want to do basic stuff then a basic controller is fine. It's once you get into FX and all that, you might be missing stuff. It's hard to choose though because you don't want to get something and then realize later on that it doesn't do something you want it to.

Have you used Serato or Traktor?

There's also Mixxx which is free. I messed with it briefly years ago but now they just came out with 2.0. It doesn't work with everything but pretty close.

Check their hardware support Maybe there's a controller there you could look at, like some older unit.


Battle Points: 206
It all depends on your workflow and what you want the final product to be.
dont buy a controller if

- you just wanted to share the music online and not perform, you can always do everything on the software itself.
- controllers have a slight learning curve as simple as they might be especially when your starting out.
- controllers are only good for what they are, which is controlling your software. Definitely recommend getting a software first then pair it with a controller once you know the ins and outs.

Dont know much about controllers but If you ever do decide on purchasing one, I definitely recommend saving up for a decent turntable and getting traktor. you will be killing a whole flock of birds with one stone.

Peace! ;)


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Well that's the other option. You could go with 2 turntables and a mixer, although that's more expensive.

The way I look at it with any gear is that you're better off getting something decent instead of something that won't do what you want it to.

Back in the day when I first started out I got a drum machine and sampler but didn't realize that they were both missing lots of features. Instead, I should have just waited and bought an MPC, which is what I was looking for in terms of features.


Battle Points: 24
Appreciate all the insight fellas!

Short-term goal is to learn how to create mixes first, work on making them dope, and then to eventually put them up online. Long-term, I would like to be able to have a controller or a set of turntables to perform live. With that in mind and from what y'all are telling me, I'm thinking I'll just start out with learning the software. It's just always nice to have something to actually touch when putting stuff together haha. My initial thinking was to get a decent entry level controller to mess around with and get a starter's feel for everything. Then eventually sell it online and upgrade once I think I'm ready for that.

I've had Mixxx for a good couple months now and have messed with it here and there - not really enough to know the in's and out's of the program yet. What are your thoughts on Serato vs Traktor vs Virtual DJ? Seems like both of y'all are already on the Traktor train haha. Any particular reason why you chose that over the other 2 main options out there?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Yeah you could definitely just get a basic controller and mess with that if you really want some hardware. Because the software alone is good but you'll probably get sick of the mouse.

I just always preferred Traktor's layout and features. Serato is nice too but now I think most people are leaning towards Traktor, especially since it integrates well with Maschine. I never messed with Virtual DJ.

Oh, and Qbert prefers Traktor....


Battle Points: 24
I meant Guitar Center earlier lol, but I tried out both and def liked the interface of Traktor a lot more. It seemed a lot cleaner compared to Serato. A much bigger emphasis interface wise on the effects you can use which was a plus - I just downloaded the demo so I'll prob be messing with it for a bit before I cop the full version. Appreciate the help y'all!


Battle Points: 206
haha sounds like you just got cured from gear lusting. :D

traktor and serato are basically the same from the reviews i read before copping mine. traktor is leaning more towards turntablists while serato is more for club dj's. explains why the layout on traktor is simpler than on serato but both can be adjusted to what you need it to be and basically has the same use.

I remember serato came out before traktor. I used Virtual DJ when i was starting out in music production. it was fun, waaaaay simpler than the other 2.

Peace! ;)


Battle Points: 24
Im thinking about starting DJing but im afraid i wont have the money to get the gear i need so i will just stay out :p

Check out Mixxx. It's a free DJ software. You don't necessarily need to have hardware gear to start with. You can learn how things work using the software first. It'll make the transition to using hardware a lot smoother since the hardware will act as a controller for what you pick up on through messing with the software.


Whats life without hip-hop?
Battle Points: 4
Check out Mixxx. It's a free DJ software. You don't necessarily need to have hardware gear to start with. You can learn how things work using the software first. It'll make the transition to using hardware a lot smoother since the hardware will act as a controller for what you pick up on through messing with the software.
One of my friends was a dj and he started youtubing so ill trade him a mic for his controller :p. Im thinking about getting cracked virtual dj it seems to be the center of the attention among the dj communities.
@Koey Don't forget you also have to know how to move the knobs while jumping around and doing fist pumps! And wear shades.

That swag tho :p

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