Reason 3 Is *almost* Here!


ill o.g.
reason 3 is gonna be dope, its already the shit right now. i cant wait for this, now i just gotta get y hands on it for free somehow, haha. i stay broke, p.


ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
whats the cp udrain ognna be like on that feature though?

Shouldn't be bad with a 2ghz+ processor... My only concern was the loading time for a combinator patch. Mostly with the nnxt if ya have a few of em in there. But since the sample loading is supposed to be about 5 times faster, shouldn't be too bad.

I remember back in the day (<1ghz cpu) maxing out the cpu meter, but even with a ton of devices now it rarely goes past 20 - 30% (on 2.8ghz)


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
MikeMiz said:
Best feature for me is the combinator. I mean layering 2 or 3 nnxt's, a malstrom, a sub... /w effects, and being able to play it all with one key... a dream come true. Not to mention saving all as a single patch/preset.
Yeah but you can jus do that by copy and pasting the same music notes to the other mods....hence, they all play the same thing......I dont really see that thing being as useful as they make it out to be....I see the Leveler, and the Mclass compressor being a dam healthy additive to the prgm tho.


ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
Yeah but you can jus do that by copy and pasting the same music notes to the other mods....hence, they all play the same thing......I dont really see that thing being as useful as they make it out to be....I see the Leveler, and the Mclass compressor being a dam healthy additive to the prgm tho.

That's fine, if you like to work that way. I prefer being able to play layered sounds live while recording. Think about what makes keyboards like the Triton and Motif instantly playable. You just turn it on, load a patch and play. You don't have to load the individual layered sounds or the insert effects that go along with it. You just load the preset and get straight to music. Sure we're using mostly the same devices that are in reason 2.5, but think of them as building blocks for your own device. The possibilties are unlimited. I bet you'll start see presets goin around that even Roland and Korg couldn't reproduce in hardware.

Also since you can use it as an effect unit, it makes reusing certain routings simpler (ex: multiband compression with eq, compressor, and spider that some of us use on each song). I agree on the Mclass compression though... this was definitely needed. I'll be using it in the combinator to create some punchy drumkits.

Producer X

ill o.g.
Am I the only one not impressed with the 3.0 offerings? Just reading the specs, for the amount of time from the release of 2.5 to now and that's all they have to offer? OK, the combinator? Layering synths and samples? Ugh?!?! OK. Whatever. The MClass Mastering Suite? Cool you'll have mastering for you tracks, but what about mastering a total mix including vox? A 6 channel Line mixer? Isn't the 14:2 a line mixer? New sound bank? That was well neede, but who uses any of the factory sounds anyway?

Come audio recording? No sample splicing? No built in trigger from computer keyboard? No VST? I signed up for the beta of this thing, but from the looks of it, I may stick to 2.5 and hold out for 3.5 or 4.0 for that matter.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Guess its all presonal pref cuz ive never been blown away by the Triton and layering my sounds literally takes a matter a seconds for me unless i got mad tweaks on my XT's.....other than that i see no need for it.......THe mastering suite in the 3.0 version is really the only useful thing i see so far..................MAtter fact, it would have been nice if those guys over at propellerhead could have widened tha automation capabilites a little more since that last version.....For Ex. - In the XT, you have all these dope envelopes that are actually really awsome to twirk while the tracks playin....If you could press record and automate those sounds on yer midi instead of jus the LIMITED global controls that would be a great improvement in my opinion.....


ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
MAtter fact, it would have been nice if those guys over at propellerhead could have widened tha automation capabilites a little more since that last version.....For Ex. - In the XT, you have all these dope envelopes that are actually really awsome to twirk while the tracks playin....If you could press record and automate those sounds on yer midi instead of jus the LIMITED global controls that would be a great improvement in my opinion.....

Damn, didn't even know that wasn't possible. Never messed with the XT knobs while recording, but I could see where it would be useful.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Hell yeah Mike, you can make some crazy sounds.....You can wah out your sounds, or synthasize your sample being scratched if tweaked right.....It sucked when i first found out u cant do that shit! - I figured for sure they would close the gap on that one.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Reason is a good idea and a good program to start with, but what turns me off from it is VST support, there are just too many free and inexpensive VST instruments and effects that sound just as good as Reason's instruments and effects and better. You also can't record your own audio inside of Reason your stuck with their stock sounds, thats a problem for me. Rewire to me is the best thing Reason has to offer.

FL Studio far exceeds Reason in my view point just with the simple fact that FL Studio is highly flexible and expandable and your not stuck using the builtin sounds, also I heard someone mention the Reason Mixer, yes those guys need to do more work on the mixer section. If your going to have a software studio then you have better have a good mixing section and audio recording capabilities otherwise you can't really call it such. FL Studio needs some work as well in different areas but Reason users should be complaining about these features unless they can live with it! More power to you.


willing vic to the music
ill o.g.
Architect said:
Reason is a good idea and a good program to start with, but what turns me off from it is VST support, there are just too many free and inexpensive VST instruments and effects that sound just as good as Reason's instruments and effects and better. You also can't record your own audio inside of Reason your stuck with their stock sounds, thats a problem for me. Rewire to me is the best thing Reason has to offer.

FL Studio far exceeds Reason in my view point just with the simple fact that FL Studio is highly flexible and expandable and your not stuck using the builtin sounds, also I heard someone mention the Reason Mixer, yes those guys need to do more work on the mixer section. If your going to have a software studio then you have better have a good mixing section and audio recording capabilities otherwise you can't really call it such. FL Studio needs some work as well in different areas but Reason users should be complaining about these features unless they can live with it! More power to you.

I'm sorry but that is far from true You can not only use your own sounds within reason but with Proper use you can achive any thing you want with in reason. Now dont get me wrong FL has been serving guys well for some time now and this whole VST thing well lets just say NONE are as stable as Reason thats just my 2 cent,And audio recording why on earth would you want to do that when you can have Sonar,Cubase, Live to record audio to and Have MUCH more control over the entire mix! thats just my veiw and 2 cent.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
quite frankly because Reason is touted as a "software studio" with the notion of all in one and actually it's far from it, although it does a good job and I like the idea of the software but a few things are missing. Don't get me wrong this is just my take I haven't really used it much only a few friends I know and I check out what they do with it. I don't know what VST instruments you use but I've never had much problem with stability except for a few Native Instrument pieces.

Why on earth would I want to rely on Rewire to record and mix my sounds? If I can do it right there where it was created. At least give me the option to be able to mix and record inside of my host program instead of calling in another app. You've got to admit the Reason mixer sucks big time, for that matter so does the FL Studio mixer but FL gives the producer a few more options.

When I first heard about Reason I was just as excited as a lot of people who now use it, but my point is just that Propellerhead needs to beef it up a little bit more to make this program great expand it to allow for easier integration to other sounds other than their stock, stop being a pussywhipped and give us more freedom. This is my take on things if it works for you then that's great I'm not saying the program is crap this is just one mans opinion.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
VSTs are overrated....Learn to work within the box first and make the best of your software and then move on if needed. Me personally, i think that just about all of the effects in reason are actually very useful, not hard to use, and can sound just as good as any typical VST. This need for VST support is kind of a worn out opinion at this point since its really not a nessecity to make dope music, and goin4broke is right, your not limited to the sounds in the stock bank at all!.....All u have to do open any apropriate file for the mod used and bam, u got the sounds in the prgm that u want to fuck with. (really not complicated)....Alot of companies cater to reason as well so youll be able to get plenty of sounds for the XT and a descent amount for the Malstrom as well as REX's, (which by the way, you can make on your own in recycle....i do this often)
Plus, if your really stuck on the fact that reason does not let u record a live audio signal into it besides midi, then u can always use the rewire host and then yer straight......



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Ok Duece I stand corrected on a couple issues with Reason (especially since I don't use it really only speaking from other peoples experience) but of course VST support doesn't mean you won't be able to make dope music. More of my point is that in the event you want to delve into other sounds that you can. Your right though for most people they should learn all the sounds they have first within the program. As long as it works for yall keep doing ya thang!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yeah man, NOT tryin to diss at all....Jus state'n tha facts.
Your right though for most people they should learn all the sounds they have first within the program.
Straight up ! - For ALL people tho!:)..........
More so, NOT the sounds, but the Mods, Effects, Sequencer, Etc. - Thats the important shit.

Producer X

ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
Yeah man, NOT tryin to diss at all....Jus state'n tha facts.

C'mon dog. No diss, but everything stated on this thread is all opinion. We all have our own facts, but our facts are opinions to others. IMO reason is the shit as is. VST, audio recording etc. as an option would just give Propeller Heads that much more leverage on their target market. Since we all see the Reason/ Fruity comparisons floating around, more and more people are jumping on the FL band wagon because of options they'll probably never use. I could care less if Propeller heads ever updated Reason again, but as a user, I'd like to see this program stick around for a while. I've seen it too many times where a company looks like they've got the market cornered, and then BAM!! Gone or came pretty close to being gone. Yes other companies support 'rewire', but remember the ADAT. It was the shit. everybody support the ADAT lightpipe and the DAWs kicked the ADAT's ass and Alesis wasn't prepared for it. Mackie dropped their HD recorder and Alesis damn near lost their shirt. The tried to come back with the 24 track ADAT HD recorder, but couldn't really find their way back to the top. But, that light pipe is still hanging in there. Akai damn near lost the shirt and had to drop the MPC1000s to get over the hump. And you know how popular MPCs are. Emagic got swollowed up by Apple and cut their whole PC market out. Opcode, who made "Studio Vision", one of the hottest DAWs in the 90s just dead and left their users high and dry. Competition can kill a company. So as a user, I'm looking at the big picture on the buisiness side of this thing.


P.S. - I have about 3 gigs of refills if anyone is interested. LOL

sammy beats

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
i think what reason 3 really needs is more sample format support. 2.5 doesn't support giga, which is the best kind of sample format and correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like 3 is going to either.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Prod X - OK....I see what yer saying....THere may be some biased siding in the context of what i wrote, but regardless, the things i did say about how reason funtions and operates is FACT.....But im not tryin to take away from anybodies opinions here, i think u interpreted me wrong. I was jus breakin it down after architect made some comments about how "Reason is a good idea and a good program to start with, but what turns me off from it is VST support", that and the fact that homie didnt realize that u can use 'outside' sounds aside from the stock bank, and i also stated that if your a person with the stigma of 'not being able to record vocals' into the prgm - then there is always rewire, and rewire works great as long as u have a fast enough cpu and a descent amount of ram.

The only thing that isnt a ACTUAL FACT, is my view on VST's.


ps - I like the idea of keeping Reason around for a LONG time as well, so maybe your right about keeping the VST option open?......I never thought about it that way.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
sammy beats said:
i think what reason 3 really needs is more sample format support. 2.5 doesn't support giga, which is the best kind of sample format and correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like 3 is going to either.

I don't think Reason will ever support the Giga format, they seem to only deal with their proprietary formats.

Just to sum up some of the thoughts from others on this thread, I guess it all boils down to creativity, whether the programs upgrade or not, you can still find a way to get the utility out of the product and work around the perceived limitations. I think nowadays we get too used to having it all, when sometimes you have to work with what you got as long as what you got is a good starting point. I include myself in that assumption.


ill o.g.
the mastering suite is the shit. I dont care about the combiner and what not. I also like the sub mixers. Thats gonna be tight.

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