Mbox 2 mini


Diggin 4 Life
ill o.g.
i wanna get some kind of portable audio interface for my laptop (windows). im lookin into mbox 2 mini. i can live with 2 analog ins since i dont track any live stuff. i dont even need a mic pre.

so basically i wanna ask hows the mbox 2 mini sound quality? is it comparable to mbox 2 and mbox 2 pro?

one more reason im lookin into it is pro tools. i always wanted to see what its all about.

should i get some m-audio interface or stick with digi?



A Beat Nut
ill o.g.
i wanna get some kind of portable audio interface for my laptop (windows). im lookin into mbox 2 mini. i can live with 2 analog ins since i dont track any live stuff. i dont even need a mic pre.

so basically i wanna ask hows the mbox 2 mini sound quality? is it comparable to mbox 2 and mbox 2 pro?

one more reason im lookin into it is pro tools. i always wanted to see what its all about.

should i get some m-audio interface or stick with digi?


I have the mbox n pro tools le comes with it

Protools is industry standard "if u wanna feel like the major leagues" lol but theres other software like cubase out there