I Need A Stronger Signal


ill o.g.
I Want To Get Louder

I Mix All Of My Own Tracks And I Do So Well. The Only Problem I Run Into Is, Once I Get It To Cd It Is Very Weak. I Have To Turn The Volume To The Max Just To Get A Good Thump Out Of It Even After Normalizing. I'm Not Expecting To Get A Real Loud Sound Because, Ofcourse, The Cd Isn't Mastered But I Feel As If My Output Is Way Too Weak. I Hear Tracks From Other Producers That Have Their Projects Coming Out Way Louder Than Mine. Can Anyone Give Me A Few Solutions To Play Around With. Fyi I'm Going Tracking On Nuendo From My Synths And Samplers.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Maybe your soundcard? It sounds to me like there not normalized, but you said u do that right? Try normalizing them through your wav editing program then your cd burning program...


ill o.g.
I have a pretty basic sound card. MIA type with L/R 1/4 ins and outs. As for the wave editing program I have Wave Lab but I am still trying to learn what makes that program tick. I usually pick up what I see from other users but with this it was given to me by a friend that didn't want it after it was purchased. I try to use a little compression to squeeze some more juice out of it but with the compressor in Nuendo it gives me this nasty bleed of the pre to the post effect.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Yeah don't just use normal compression, that'll ruin your shit.. Use a multi-pressor or multiband compressor... That way instead of compressing the whole file you can compress different frequency ranges.... It'll come out alot better man, compressing the whole file squashes down the beat and whatever else is on it...


ill o.g.
Fo Sho. I believe I have that type of compression plug in. It allows me to compress put seperate ratios, threshold, etc on the high mid and low sections. Is that what you are talking about? Also, do you compress before recording? I do with my vocals and live instruments if used but not from my workstations.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 22
you dont wanna compress to tape if you can help it. maybe slight real slight on your vocals or bass but you can do it when mixing so i dnt bother. once you record with compression its there for good but if its added non destructibly in the mixing process you can remove it or alter it. the only FX id apply when recording vocals is a de esser or a limiter.

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