Howd you get your first sampler


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
well im going way back when gemini had a little sampler with a big round botton
and 4 banks bottons
and started with a yamaha drum machine old school i think it was like the rxs something like that?
and a boss dr.5-50
a bull sh*t* 2 track that i uprade to a real to real 4 track
then a few years down the line after having a picture in my back pocket of a mpc and saving
i got hit by a drunk driver and with the settlement i bought a new mpc2000xl/mo-phat modules/motif modules/ that i still have to this day and the rest i just put away
it was funny though every year they would come out with a different mpc and i would change the picture to the one that just came out
i ordered the mc2000xl with all the options fully loaded shi*.........
that baby cost a few g's back then!
but know there around a few hundred to 1200$
then fu**k'n' computers came out with studio programs!
then for year i was like i will never use a computer to make beats
i got introduce to reason!
and i luv it
wow technology
1 luv illmuzik! chea!


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ill o.g.
working man, that's all i can say, it can be a pain in the ass with money adding up really slow, especially if your young like me, can't earn shit and it takes really long. But you sure will be much more motivated because it shows it's something you really want.


ill o.g.
1st i saved up all of 2006 to buy another car (to many problems with other car) and had about 2g's left over so i got the Akai S6000,Alesis DMPro,Novation Nova,Roland XV-5050 & Emu Proteus 2500. It was real hard to save $9,000 when you got bills but i pulled it off and got what excatly i NEEDED and not what i WANT

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