How much do you charge?


Battle Points: 206
Hey, just wonderin how much you guys charge for a beat?
Ive heard some sell for about $25 - $50. or is this too much?

and how much you charge for an exclusive beat?
you know, beats that artists want you to make, or a beat only for the artist?

is it any different if its for an album? is that where the budget comes in?

any knowledge dropped would be definitely appreciated.

Peace! :)

Mach Keys


Here's my p.o.v. on the avg. current market,

[Non-Exclusive Lease]
Beginners: $10-20
Intermediate: $25-50
Advanced: $50^

[Exclusive Lease]
Beginners: $100-200
Intermediate: $250-500
Advanced: $500^

it wouldn't be any different if it would be used for an album.

Click Here for more detailed tips from the founder of

I haven't made a sale yet, but have had a few inquiries.
Beware of those that don't take their craft serious enough, and aren't willing to invest in themselves.

With that said, it's an experimental process through trial and error.
If you've found any methods that work for you, please let me know.


Mach Keys
Producer | Engineer | Artist
SoundCloud | Twitter | Facebook


Dr. Boom Bap
@Mach Keys I would consider giving beats away for free to some well known artists. Isn't it a good idea to get some pub for yourself? I am sure that many artists are approached regularly and have the ability to have producers select them instead of the other way around.

Mach Keys

@Mach Keys I would consider giving beats away for free to some well known artists. Isn't it a good idea to get some pub for yourself? I am sure that many artists are approached regularly and have the ability to have producers select them instead of the other way around.

@PhDBeats That's a good point and I agree with you 100%. Although, there has to be a limit or a standard to factor into that decision. You can only give so much away, then it starts hurting you more than helping you.

Here's some business wisdom from EpikTheDawn - music producer who's been killin' the online market game for some time now:
great advises here, i also agreed with @PhDBeats..
my thoughts around this would be to give away some productions to rappers/artists that want to work with you,
get your name out there, and when the time comes and you get more can charge something for it.
like myself right now, im working on a mixtape/demo/stuff..and i have reached out to several rappers thats down
with my project..i produce everything from top to bottom and in the end i give the stuff out for free..(promo for me and the artists)

then it comes to income..i havent really settled with any ideas pricing wise, but i think its clever to take alittle pride in yourself and the work you do..
like come on, nobody is going to the supermarket and demand milk,bread and stuff for free right?
@PhDBeats the response depends if the artists like my productions, and so far they have loved everything
i have bumped out, i contacted the rappers myself (Facebook,Soundcloud) i know a few of them personally
so it wasnt that hard for me to get em on board. we all agreed on my initiate, to not make any money of this project.,
the whole idea is to make fresh music and just get it out there.