

Or is there?!
What's up - I'm Michael. I'm 32 and living in Baltimore, MD, USA. I've been making music in some form or fashion for most of my life, but have only tried my hand at production/beat making the past couple years (I'm not really sure why I waited so long, haha). Anyway, I'm excited to jump into the discussions; learn, learn, learn; and of course, listen to dope beats.


Big Clit Energy
Welcome @idkt and when did you begin your musical journey?
What's up - I'm Michael. I'm 32 and living in Baltimore, MD, USA. I've been making music in some form or fashion for most of my life, but have only tried my hand at production/beat making the past couple years (I'm not really sure why I waited so long, haha). Anyway, I'm excited to jump into the discussions; learn, learn, learn; and of course, listen to dope beats.
Welcome to the family bro! what does @idkt mean ? do the letters stand for something ?


Or is there?!
Thanks all! I've already been diving into the articles here - great stuff!

Welcome @idkt and when did you begin your musical journey?

As far as my musical journey, thanks to my mother's influence, I knew all of the lyrics to the entire Steely Dan catalog by the time I was four (does that count? haha). Actually though, I played bassoon and drums throughout middle school and high school. During college I took a bit of a break from playing, but afterward I studied drums with Dean Johnston for a few years while living in Boston (I think he is 'almost' internet famous for this transcription of a Square Pusher tune he did some years back although if you find yourself in Cambridge, MA, def check out his group Club d'Elf to really see him in action).

Anyway, in my twenties I was gigging around Boston some and playing with a funk/rock/jam band three piece, Billy Wine (named for the wine our mutual friend Billy made in his closet using Welch's grape juice, haha. I do not recommend trying this, haha).

Eventually, my drums took a backseat as my love of beats took over and I started this beat making thing and well, here we are, haha.

Welcome to the family bro! what does @idkt mean ? do the letters stand for something ?

Yeah, idkt is an acronym: it stands for 'I didn't know that' (admittedly borrowed from the Books tune by the same name). As I get older, I have found the old adage to be (at times, painfully) true: the more you know, the more you know you don't know. So, this name is a little reminder to myself to constantly push myself to learn as I find it's easy to rest on one's laurels and stop learning if you are not careful. Also, I have a bizarre attraction to acronyms, haha.

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