Entertainment Attorney Here! (I also am learning to make beats rn)

Hey all, I was invited here on Reddit from user OGBama after they saw some of the content I contributed to some forums there.

I am honestly not familiar with this website, so I will have to learn the ins and outs, but hopefully I can be a resource for you all and you all can be a resource for me in my beat making journey. I already hear that /u/slimegreenbeats has some good FL Studios tutorials.

I am not going to advertise my firm here because it is clearly against the rules, and I don't want you all to feel that I am simply here for self promo. However, I do run a law firm and if that stuff interests you, you can PM me, but that's not really why I am here. I hope to answer simple and general questions that people want a legal opinion on.

Now, a little bit about myself. Music consumption is my #1 hobby. You can peep my last.fm to see what I am into currently here: https://www.last.fm/user/andrewgoodwyn
If you want, I have four playlists on Spotify that I update pretty regularly that I can PM you a link to: Cloudy (cloud rap), Wut. (chilll small dinner party type music), Heavycore (my heavy music playlist), and EXPP (my pop punk playlist).

My favorite artist is Sewerperson and I am pretty deep in the soundcloud game. My current favorite producer is probably Dylan Brady, but I of course enjoy a lot of the Jabarionthebeat beats because him and Sewer worked together so much. Aside from my love for music I love to skateboard, play video games, and read fantasy novels (Way of Kings is my fav book).

Some other artists I am into: Aries, Ronen, Now Now, Clairmont the Second, Eevee, Trevor Daniel, 6 Dogs, and the list could go on.


Big Clit Energy
Welcome @lil-_-esquire and I dig the name so now you gotta drop that law game over Trap beats.
Hey all, I was invited here on Reddit from user OGBama after they saw some of the content I contributed to some forums there.

I am honestly not familiar with this website, so I will have to learn the ins and outs, but hopefully I can be a resource for you all and you all can be a resource for me in my beat making journey. I already hear that /u/slimegreenbeats has some good FL Studios tutorials.

I am not going to advertise my firm here because it is clearly against the rules, and I don't want you all to feel that I am simply here for self promo. However, I do run a law firm and if that stuff interests you, you can PM me, but that's not really why I am here. I hope to answer simple and general questions that people want a legal opinion on.

Now, a little bit about myself. Music consumption is my #1 hobby. You can peep my last.fm to see what I am into currently here: https://www.last.fm/user/andrewgoodwyn
If you want, I have four playlists on Spotify that I update pretty regularly that I can PM you a link to: Cloudy (cloud rap), Wut. (chilll small dinner party type music), Heavycore (my heavy music playlist), and EXPP (my pop punk playlist).

My favorite artist is Sewerperson and I am pretty deep in the soundcloud game. My current favorite producer is probably Dylan Brady, but I of course enjoy a lot of the Jabarionthebeat beats because him and Sewer worked together so much. Aside from my love for music I love to skateboard, play video games, and read fantasy novels (Way of Kings is my fav book).

Some other artists I am into: Aries, Ronen, Now Now, Clairmont the Second, Eevee, Trevor Daniel, 6 Dogs, and the list could go on.
wtf we already had an esquire...
anyways welcome dude


Welcome man, you sound like a pretty interesting guy!
And i could use some legal opinions in the future for sure - and id like to check out your playlists!

you got instagram? @itzSAYKRIDD

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