Best VSTi for the buck


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
I am looking into purchasing a Vsti soon and would like some opinions on what some of you have used. i was thinking of going with NI's Sample Tank XL. they have an offer right now that if you buy one of their products at full price, you can receive a second one for free with equal or less value. any thoughts would be appreciated. I am using FL by the way.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
KORE 2...hottest shit out right now IMO.

Grab the Urban Arsenal SoundPak and go to work!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
that kore dont even work right in pro tools for me .. its pretty much unusable .. i downloaded the free player and it fux up my sessions.

Works great for me in Ableton Live! I use it in every session.

I actually invested in the legit software and bought every soundpack they had available. Shit I really like I've learned to just buy it unless it's something that cost thousands of dollars (I ain't got it like that). If it cost a grand or below software wise I'll save up and get it if I think it's worth it. Pirated shit don't all ways work well. I learned that with Ableton. After buying a legit copy I really realized what it can do. Being able to register your shit and get online support is a plus plus!

p.s. Kore will hog your system. I'd use only one instance at a time and after you layout your loops render it to audio on another track. Don't keep building the song in midi or your shit will indeed crash a lot. Keep one instance open, layout how ever many variations you want of that particular instrument then render them to audio (wave) then dial in the next instrument and do the same. I never have a lot of midi tracks going, once I get what I like it goes to audio!


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
just a clarification, sampletank is by ik multimedia not native instruments.

personally, i love sampletank and it has the ability to use all of the libraries of ik's other vsti's such as samplemoog, miroslav, etc., as well as import your own samples and shit. the routing is nice and it isn't a cpu hog.

as far as a deal, ik has enough wicked vsti and vst to make that deal sweet.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
thanks for all the feedback guys. 7thangel thank you for the correction. im leaning towards sampletank but i will probably hit the local GC to try out some softwares. LDB, if kore eats up so much cpu space doesnt that mess up your work flow or are you just so used to it now that you just deal with it?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
damn, kore sounds/looks good.. now i wanna go fl again.. That reason cant have vst's is a bitch
damn, kore sounds/looks good.. now i wanna go fl again.. That reason cant have vst's is a bitch

Ways and means......just play reason as a slave in a program like acid pro or Ableton or whatever supports rewire, then you have the option to add vst's too.
But like LDB pointed out, vsts can hog processor power so outputting to audio before going to the next instrument is a great tip.

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