Beat This! - January 12-13, 2022

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This was very much the same direction I wanted it to go. But at the same time I wanted it to be "Ghetto Olympics". Because where do most gold medalist grow up?
In the ghetto!
And I don't know about you guys but I have never been to a ghetto where they listened to white overlord fanfare music.
Maybe in the Warzaw ghetto in the 1930's when the Nazis would force the Jews to listen to their Nazi music.

Anyway. My point is. DON'T BE A NAZI!

I'm sorry but I have to say something about it since this thing is being brought up by different countries and certain people intend to spread misinformation about history of Poland. Polish embassy has to constantly rectify this kind of bullshit when some "educated people" say or write absurd and offensive stuff about "polish death camps" where it was nazi death camps or German death camps but they were only built on the polish territory during World War II by Germans. It was after German invasion on Poland on 1st September 1939.

I feel sorry for you @OGBama if you give kudos to a guy who thinks that ghettos were built by Nazis in POLAND (!) in 1930s(!!!)... Jeeeez... I am aware that you intended to be sarcastic about it @Vossi Beats but man, you gotta be careful with this...

There were NO ghettos for any Jew in Poland until 1940 when as far as I know Germans built first ghettos in Warszawa, Będzin and other places. There were NO ghettos at all in 1930s in Poland...

I am aware that maybe @InnerThug reaction might have been a little exaggerated but when I read your post I felt offended too as fortunately or unfortunately Poland helped a lot of Jews during World War II and once again there weren't any ghettos in Poland in 1930s. Fortunately, because it was the right thing to do, unfortunately, because Israel is constantly trying to claim some rights to many facilities in Poland and seem to not respect what we did for them at all.

And I'm not trying to bleach my nation as there were people who collaborated with Germans. Yes, Germans @Stona Persona as "Mein Kampf" was written in German and released in Germany in 1925. Some people recall this term "Nazis" as if they were afraid of pointing at the real origin of this ideology. Again, I'm not trying to say that every Pole was great and acted in good will as we had and still have many flaws but I couldn't refrain myself from rectifying this.

As far as my beat is concerned @Stona Persona I don't take part in this contest so there's gotta be some other guy who made stuff similar to mine. Of course if you were referring to some beat in this competition. :)

Again, no pun intended, just had to say something in this regard.
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DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
As far as my beat is concerned @Stona Persona I don't take part in this contest so there's gotta be some other guy who made stuff similar to mine. Of course if you were referring to some beat in this competition. :)
Fk, thought it was the PERFECT theme for you to put all our beats into spliffs. xd

But this mans right about Poland.


Freedom Seed Spreader
Battle Points: 360
people are too fucking sensitive, god forbid we have another world war, half the world would commit suicide rather than get dirt under their nails or get a bruise let alone face certain death with courage.
Nah fuck that, I would be front line in this bitch, notching the fuck outaa my stock shouting "Follow me if you want to live!"


Freedom Seed Spreader
Battle Points: 360
Where @2GooD Productions I'm from the average redneck can't even spell oppression much less can't even be philosophical about it.
By the by... Redneck is actually a hard working motherfucker out in the fields, doing construction, paving roads, etc. Its from being sumburnt from toiling all day for their scratch and are usually the hardest workers out there.


Big Clit Energy
I @Mahlhavoc also know “redneck” was originally an Irish slur.
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