Artist question for GOD or anybody else that can lend a hand


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
Yo GOD, i tried sending you a PM, but you box was full. Maybe this will get some feedback tho.

Here's my question. I recently hooked up with this guy and he wants me to produce about 8 tracks for the album he's working on this spring. He and his boy are starting up a label and they're shopping this album up and down California. I don't think he has much dough right now, or at least he doesn't look like it, so my question is about how I should connect myself to this group. I like his work and ideally would like to not just make some of his beats and be done, but be more like a half of the project. You think that it's smarter to sell him those 8 beats straight up, or to get connected with the album and try to get my money as a percentage of sales? What's the best way to go here? I don't want to get fucked with the money situation, but I also don't want to just ghost produce half the album. Thanks.


ill o.g.
....get the money straight up and if you really want him to be loyal and want to work w/ him, then give him a discount if he continues to come back to you... Alchemist does plenty of Mobb beats, but he's still seein his cheese up front.


If your tryin to get your name out there, don't really watch the money situation. If you say you like the dudes work and where he's trying to go, then go right ahead with it. Don't look to try to make a quick buck, step back and look at the bigger picture which is exposer. If he's just starting his label, money is probibly tight, so sit the man down and talk to him and let him tell you what he is willing to pay you first, before you implicate yourself, you never discuss price first it'll probily scare him away, Once you see what he is willing to do then at that time you can make the discision whether you want to go any further. Another thing to consider is at the end of the day even if you weren't payed at first, the experience is priceless not to mention that anyone who likes his music likes yours. Make sure that if you do this gig, that he has to give you credit for your work and make sure it is in writing and signed by him. Also you can make an agreement that if he sell any records that you can get a peice of pie too (again make sure this is in writing and signed by him). Keep the originals documents for yourself and give him a copy on the agreements for himself so he is clear what his obligations are.

Hope this info can help.

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