Are certain rappers really killers?


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
they all say it and sometimes sounds convincing:

mobb deep
g unit
the game
westside connection
ja rule

and hundreds of other industry rap guys claim they have killed people in their rhymes. but have these people actually murdered someone?

i know u can twist and say it is a metaphore, like 'nah i mean im murdering them with my lyrical skills', but in some rhymes it blatantly doesnt mean that.

edit: i dnt mean to sound ignant or anythin coz im not bein, just want ur opinion.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
From what i heard and from just plain common sense(not being an ass to you,,lol) I say no. If anyone really did kill someone and wrote a song about it, that can count as evidence in some states. I highly doubt that anyone rappin really killed somebody, ya never know, then again, it's all a show. There are some cats that I heard are crazy,,,but I highly doubt these cats are killers. An old industry friend told me awhile back that have these cats aren't really from where they say they are. I believe it.


ill o.g.
Ya I doubt any of em killed people But I was Reading a Saigon Interview and he said he use to be a Hitman for some Black Mafia Family and he said he can talk about it cuz he's done his time an watever but I cant understand someone sayin they use to be a Hitman and then saying Ive done my time if you were doin time as a hitman you would still be locked up or youve gave Feds a Reason 2 pull your file and look at some Cold Cases by saying that

L. Soul

ill o.g.
I think people are ruining rap as an entertainment form. Everybody has become so caught up with 'keepin it real' that now people forget music is just a form of entertainment and hip-hop is a form of music. By association all they are saying is to entertain us. So, no, I doubt they are killers. It's just entertainment. This is like one of the only areas of music where people are so caught up with a person's background that where they're from matters more than what they can do. I mean who cares if they're killers, if they make good music, I'll bump it. Like, I personally don't like Tony Yayo at all. Let's say a video comes out showing Yayo just gunnin down a whole bank full of people and robbin it all clean. I still won't like his music because he suddenly got that killer status. Let's stop worrying about it and just critique the music.

Just so this is still on topic - no, I'd say maybe for every 2 or 3 hundred that say they're killers like 1 has actually murdered.


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
The one's who killed are in the "stoney lonesome". C-murder, Gucci Mane, Young Turk, Lurch(...<<<that motherfucka ate a bitch!)

Check the jailhouse issue of the Source.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
classic said:
i can kick ur avrage rappers ass, seriously , most these cats are migits,


lol no doubt but come on if sum1 puts a gun to your head it doesnt matter how big you are ! theres bound to be sum1 people rapping who have done sum pretty fucked up stuff, but i doubt many of them have directly murdered anyone, there would be too many people more than happy to see them go down for it ! plus most of them probably aren't as slick and as loved in the hood as they like to think !


StressWon said:
From what i heard and from just plain common sense(not being an ass to you,,lol) I say no. If anyone really did kill someone and wrote a song about it, that can count as evidence in some states. I highly doubt that anyone rappin really killed somebody, ya never know, then again, it's all a show. There are some cats that I heard are crazy,,,but I highly doubt these cats are killers. An old industry friend told me awhile back that have these cats aren't really from where they say they are. I believe it.

Thanks Stress, you just saved me aloooooot of typing. LOL..

I agree, if these 'artist' has killed someone, why would they brag about it?


ill o.g.
im definaltly gonna have to agree with people that these dudes arent shooting motherfuckers like they say they are. everyother bar these days is ima shoot you, or i pack heat all day, or i bust my gun in public for fun ect ect. shit is gettin a lil repetative honestly. and thats coming froma kid who likes most main stream rap too.

L. Soul

ill o.g.
hpnotiq said:
im definaltly gonna have to agree with people that these dudes arent shooting motherfuckers like they say they are. everyother bar these days is ima shoot you, or i pack heat all day, or i bust my gun in public for fun ect ect. shit is gettin a lil repetative honestly. and thats coming froma kid who likes most main stream rap too.

I know I like a lot of mainstream too. Well no, rather let me say I tolerate a lot of it. At moments I may find myself even rapping a long. But seriously it's getting to the point where I could take the lyrics from 90% of all of rappers, transplant it to another rapper, and wouldn't notice the difference.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
joeburnem said:
The one's who killed are in the "stoney lonesome". C-murder, Gucci Mane, Young Turk, Lurch(...<<<that motherfucka ate a bitch!)

Check the jailhouse issue of the Source.

yeah i heard about lurch.. an biggie talked about gutter even though he didn't rap.. crazy shit

The Bastard

the kid who shot the other kid over a freestyle battle in the other thread is a killer, we know that


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
"A lot of the artists acting so tough and wanting to be gangstas are marsh mellows. If you see them (in real life) they're not the same person you see on TV. And when they get money they start acting even more gangsta'. It's a lot of propaganda and bullsh**. I remember when Wu Tang Clan used to come to the clubs, all those same artists would hide." - RZA

Ghostface was banned from alot of clubs in New York back in the days, if I'm not mistaken.


ill o.g.
Murdering somebody ain’t nothing to be proud of. I can’t stand how rappers banging on about being killers. In the early days of NWA and Ice T etc it was a novelty. It was a reflection of life in those particular parts of society. Nowadays it’s a cliché (and pretty morally dubious to say the least.)

Thing is a lot of cats that listen to hip hop find it hard to differentiate between fantasy and reality and actually try to live that way.

I myself was arrested for attempted murder in 1997 (although I wasn’t convicted – and it was self defence I might add) and it ain’t no joke for anyone involved. I managed to get the charges reduced and as such got a lesser sentence. No guns for me – just my fists. Again, its not something to be proud of and it causes a lot of pain not only for the “victims” but also your own loved ones.

Hip Hop can be a form of music that shows real intelligence. A music in which one can speak out against anything and get the point across in one line, whereas most forms of music would take an entire song to say what they want to say. There is so much potential for the music which is being wasted by assholes that just want to talk about nothing else but how hard they are.


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