2012 Doomsday Lottery?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
While this may be a scam or a promo for a movie...according to the Discovery Chanel, it has some validity. I recently saw on the Science Chanel that a meteor was on its way to our galaxzy and could posibly hit earth if it passes though a certain window in space. Be it that the chances of it hitting that window were all but imposible, it still made me wonder ″what if it did?″. I honestly think that the world would destroy itself before it could hit. People would go beserk.

As far as a lottery to save ourselves...I could imagine that someone would figure out a way to kill everybody in the bombshelter just because their son or daughter wasnt excepted in the lottery...I honestly would rather take my chances on providing for myself, make it or not.

If it were true, what would you do?



Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Embrace it's coming and die with the rest of the people....Most of the people who would be left behind would eventually die, anyway. If a meteor of that size struck the earth, we would not be able to survive the cold days w/o the sun, all plant life would disappear, and if that happens, what would happen to our oxygen????

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
the earth wouldnt be destroyed... most, if not all surface animals would be killed, but the deepest parts of the oceans would stay alive... you best believe your political leaders would be in the deepest parts of the earth or in space with a decades supply of food and other materials... they talk about it all the time about seeds and shit like that... dont even think that the human race would just die off... 2days technology prevents this from happening... only way this could happen is if the sun actually increases in temperature, goes out, or the earth get spun out of its orbit... one of THOSE scenarios is actually supposed to happen, but we're talk billions of years from now.

da relic

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
2012 Doomsday cont...

figured i'd post these vids since dacalion brought it up... i hafta say, its one thing when people from the "primitive" past talks about it... but when Albert Einstein agrees with it, there's problems... and no disrespect to the past, in many ways, they are smarter than us "modern" people... the Mayans knew something when they made their calender, which is more accurate than ours.

part 6 wasnt posted.

da relic


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
SDR - great finds!

I too think that there is some validity to this. The Science Channel actually refered to both Alberts findings and some passages from Nastradomis also. Its very easy to say ″I will except my fate″ but its human instinct to survive and live on. This whole idea opens the question if this is a natural disaster or something more of a biblical prophesy. Either way, I think its a very interesting subject.



polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
the earth wouldnt be destroyed... most, if not all surface animals would be killed, but the deepest parts of the oceans would stay alive...
da relic

Actually.. it all depends on the volume of the meteor. It could easily rip MILES-deep of sediment into the sky, globally, and out of earths orbit, around impact. Therefore, the optimum refuge would be behind the Moon (it would be planned to settle the dark side of the moon in this case).

Earth could be a molten lava for many centuries and the light side of the Moon would be BLAZING hot because of Earth's molten-state. Therefore, the dark side of the Moon would be perfect for the best refuge, because it is always facing away from Earth, unless the impact upon Earth spun the Moon's orbit out of predictability, which would probably be calculated to occur with such an impact... MAYBE NOT.

Either way, any secure refuge would be an extra-planetary escape and unfortunately the human specie has focused more on inter-planetary WAR than space EXPLORATION, therefore there would be NO LOTTERY.

But hey... look at it like this... we were all gonna die anyway. Throughout history... even the most meek, the ones fearful of their own heartbeat failing.. afraid to leave any form of sanctuary, HAVE ALL DIED..

my advice is... don't hold onto youth and life... it's just like chasin' the dragon...

live life, be more than your salt is worth and live free...

..then die

respect that


as far as the human specie???

C'est la vie


ill o.g.
its wierd to say but i dont mind it if its true and it hits us...i guess death doesnt scare me at all..theres more things in life that hurt far worse than a meteor


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Its very easy to say ″I will except my fate″ but its human instinct to survive and live on. This whole idea opens the question if this is a natural disaster or something more of a biblical prophesy. Either way, I think its a very interesting subject.


Much Love Brother Dac,

I would say that it's instinctive to all Live to Survive on, but.. only human's can realistically react to a planetary demise, on Earth.

Also, there are over a billion Galaxies in the Universe and over tens-of-billions of Sun's in each Galaxy... that number is as close to use as understanding as the reality of INFINITY. so I could be wrong, but I would guess there is other life out there. In this case I would guess that we would have help from other Universian Civilizations.

Why have they not visited us before???

What havoc would that cause?
Would it be believed??

it's a last resource//////////

its wierd to say but i dont mind it if its true and it hits us...i guess death doesnt scare me at all..theres more things in life that hurt far worse than a meteor

meteor death is sublime kid....

for some people, their death is the ultimate thrill.

sorta like bungie jumping.

LIFE IS LIKE AN ACID/PSILOCYBIN TRIP... you feel it.. then it's gone

theres more things in life that hurt far worse than a meteor




so live life
and give back
more than you take


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Ahhh my brother Chrono...

You brought up some very good points. I respectfully enjoy your ″out of the box″thoughts on this. I would have never thought about nor heard anything about the dark side of the moon idea. That was genius!

For me, Im not afraid of death...its something that I know I must face one day. I am very thankful to have lived and enjoyed some very good times yet I know that this life is only to prepare me for whatever is next. I was raised in an upper-lower class area of Wash. DC and survival was a way of life. That in mind...we ate peanut butter and jelly out of a cup when there was no bread. We ate mayo sandwhiches when there was no meat, even the hip hop culture teaches us to make the best out of whatever confronts us. If the end were facing me right now, I would fight for life until there was no more life. Call me crazy but Im gonna go down fighting...lol. Its just a part of me.

I really like the direction of this topic, its triggering some very interesting views and ideas.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Oracles....Greek Gods.....It's all B.S and it's all things that God warned us to give know credence too. All this is Satanic at best! Satan was told when he would be destroyed by God so of course he can stir up "fear" through things like Oracles and Deity's. Satan was let loose on Earth for a season. The only thing consistent in all of this the Bible and what it says. Life as we know it is going to end one day. Times will get 500 times harder than the worst we could ever imagine. Revelation tells us this. A lot of life will be wiped away in disastrous manners, Revelations tell us this as well. It said that there would be rumors of wars, famine and natural disasters. That's all so predicted in the Bible. But the Bible also says that this world will NEVER END and that once it is cleansed of Evil Heaven will be brought down to earth which is Gods greatest creation. God promised man that he would not destroy another world like he did the first but that he would cause great surfing if man goes astray like he did in the first world and MAN surly has so our flesh and bones demise is imminent but this world will go on. It's just that most of us won't be able to enjoy the stress free, war less, hate less, poverty less hunger less New World that's coming. See God has a NEW WORLD order as well. It's about which one you truly believe in. Everything Satan has ever done on or to this earth is to mock the God who cast him out of heaven!!!!

The end of this life can not be predicted. The Bible says know man knows the date nor the time but he will show them SIGNS!!!!!


ill o.g.
Oracles....Greek Gods.....It's all B.S and it's all things that God warned us to give know credence too. All this is Satanic at best! Satan was told when he would be destroyed by God so of course he can stir up "fear" through things like Oracles and Deity's. Satan was let loose on Earth for a season. The only thing consistent in all of this the Bible and what it says. Life as we know it is going to end one day. Times will get 500 times harder than the worst we could ever imagine. Revelation tells us this. A lot of life will be wiped away in disastrous manners, Revelations tell us this as well. It said that there would be rumors of wars, famine and natural disasters. That's all so predicted in the Bible. But the Bible also says that this world will NEVER END and that once it is cleansed of Evil Heaven will be brought down to earth which is Gods greatest creation. God promised man that he would not destroy another world like he did the first but that he would cause great surfing if man goes astray like he did in the first world and MAN surly has so our flesh and bones demise is imminent but this world will go on. It's just that most of us won't be able to enjoy the stress free, war less, hate less, poverty less hunger less New World that's coming. See God has a NEW WORLD order as well. It's about which one you truly believe in. Everything Satan has ever done on or to this earth is to mock the God who cast him out of heaven!!!!

The end of this life can not be predicted. The Bible says know man knows the date nor the time but he will show them SIGNS!!!!!

And that magnificent book was written to shackle mankind into believing in religion which is a great trick. how can u validate something that has been translated out of an old ancient text? they could have said anything..so we supposed to believe it because the bible said it? hmmmm.....lions and tigers and bears..oh my!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
All this aside, and also even WORSE than a meteor htiing Earth is the VERY TRUE fact that our galaxy is in fact colliding with another smaller galaxy even as we speak.
Fortunately these things destroy in ultimate slo mo so we may have a billion yers left, but expect temporal distortions and opening of parallel universes and such in the meanimte.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
the galaxy Andromeda wont be here for billions of yrs... and the Sun as we know it wont be the same by that time... if this meteor, or "Planet X" or whatever is gonna happen, it will be here in 3 yrs... my question is, where my pictures... we got Hubble and its supposed to be able to see light years away... i smell some bs goin on, and what better way to lower the population than by not tellin us everything, and then we get caught unprepared.

da relic
Slik, the funny thing is there is pictures.

I have seen them. There is an object in the outer reaches of our solar system that has been spotted and is being tracked.
My outlook on the whole planet X thing is if its true, then what exactly can we do in the 3 short years we have?
If there is a solution that invloves people being shipped off to the dark side of the moon, who do you think will get a place there? It sure as hell wont be the general population. It will be the rich, the "Intelligent", the athletic, the successful. It would be the perfect opportunity for the elitists to create a utopia of the so called "Best" of the human race in true Nazi "Eugenics" style. I know that i certainly wont be on the list.
As for the pictures not being general knowledge is why panic the world when the is no realistic chance of salvation, except the hope that it misses us and doesnt fuck shit up.
The world in a state of panic would not be a very nice place to live, if we all knew we were gonna die in exactly 3 years, how many people do you think would adopt the "I dont give a fuck anymore" mentality?

As for these end of the world scare stories, they have been around for a very long time. Different dates have come and passed with no catastrophe, I have my fingers crossed that this is just another of those cases.
And I will just try to enjoy the rest of my possibly short life to the best of my ability.

And also on the subject of Nostradamus.....
One of his predictions was that A hollow mountain in the new city at 45degrees would be struck by a missile.
Back in the 80's when I read the Nostradamus book they feared it meant a nuclear strike on New York.
With hindsight of 911 it could also be attributed to that. He predicted that this attack would start world war 3 after a few years of global unrest and also great natural disasters. If you ask me how much of a discription of the world now is that. I think its pretty spot on, but....

Nostradamus has occult links with the nobility of his time, including links to secret societies, the same secret societies that spawned freemasonry and illuminati. As did also Leonardo Da Vinci, and the Medici's who created the rennaisance, with contains much pagan imagery hidden in the religious artwork including UFO's in paintings and the famous last supper with pagan zodiac belief written all over it.

The times may be different but the techniques havent changed too much.
This is why the phrase "To know your past is to know your future" holds much weight.
When you know the MO, you see through the plan.
That boring subject history is not boring at all, only the history we are taught is boring, so we dont seek out truth for ourselves.
The builders of the pyramids built them with small channels pointing up to space, they were spot on aligned with particular stars, one from the kings chamber, and one from the queens chamber, the ancients werent so stupid as we are led to beleive they were. They found batteries from ancient babylon, used in the gilting process they suspect. But dont really know why they had them. But the fact is they worked. This is all documented. I aint making this up.

This is a very interesting subject "The End of the World", but it can affect the way you view the world, when dealing with such a subject its best to try and stay realistic and not get panicked.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
uhhh no.. we are already colliding with the other galaxy, nothing will escape that.

btw there are no secret societies or illuminatti, freemasons is just a boys club and nastordamus just said general stuff you can interpret to your liking.
There is no comet coming all is well, no go back to watching your tv and caalm down.
uhhh no.. we are already colliding with the other galaxy, nothing will escape that.

btw there are no secret societies or illuminatti, freemasons is just a boys club and nastordamus just said general stuff you can interpret to your liking.
There is no comet coming all is well, no go back to watching your tv and caalm down.

Nastradamus is an album by Nas.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
And that magnificent book was written to shackle mankind into believing in religion which is a great trick. how can u validate something that has been translated out of an old ancient text? they could have said anything..so we supposed to believe it because the bible said it? hmmmm.....lions and tigers and bears..oh my!
And you know this for certain how? Who told you? or is it just your belief? If it's your "belief", and I'm quite sure it is, then you're entitled to it. Just like I'm entitled to mine. I would never try and tell another man what or who to believe in....and neither should you! I don't have to validate a thing. You can't validate anything that you're typing as well. On the real....lets not even go there. Just make your statement and keep it moving cause no matter what either of us types we're still going to believe what we believe and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm expressing what "I BELIEVE" and I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise. DO U!

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yes... i believe there is a COVER UP:


after researchin the web like i do, ive come across a few things... the one above showin the Planet X orbit... i know a lil about astronomy, so i do know if this Planet IS this big, and the gravity IS really strong, we are in for a very ROUGH ride in a few years... its not gonna be pretty... and we will hafta fend for ourselves... can someone say Mad Max? no, better yet, how bout Thundarr the Barbarian:

if its in the comics, its real! never forget that.

and when it gets here... its gonna be HUGE!!! this is crazy... especially since i live in NYC which is the side where the African volcano Cumbre Vieja could erupt and send tsunami waves toward us over here... its easy to talk about now, but the closer the date, the crazier it will become... especially when the planet can be seen with simple binoculars, and then the naked eye... if u can see Jupiter as a bright star from earth without a telescope, and thats the largest planet, imagine a planet whizzin between Mercury, Venus and Earth... i dunno, we got so much other bs goin on, its not unbelievable to believe there's a cover up... but we do have 2 movies comin out about it, so people will be aware.

funny how things start lookin clearer... like why has the construction of Freedom Tower in NYC been delayed till AFTER 2012?

da relic

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