Showcase - September 21-27, 2020

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The melody/vibe is good. Those open hi hats were a bit too much, id just take them out or space them out a lot.

Dropped another soulful beat. As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated!

This is mixed to perfection.

I was getting Kanye vibes for some reason
Will post feedback tomorrow

I'm not sure what you did to this track but it's cool. Maybe too much reverb/delay.
@Face Valid Very cool beat tag. I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't feeling this one. The drums have a nice old school vibe in the intro, but the melody that comes in just seems kinda random and doesn't mesh well with the beat. And when the bass comes in, it just seems like everything is all over the place. I felt like the other melody that comes in at 1:25 is also random and changes up the flow, but also doesn't go well with the rest of the beat. I can see you are going for that dark underground type of vibe but the melodies and bass just don't go well together and idk it's just not for me. No harsh feelings, just giving you my personal opinion!

@Yogi Beatz - no worries dude. Thanks for the feedback! Was taking a bit of a punt with that one and trying something different.
I'm really proud of this beat Enjoy :)

I like the vibe of this. It reminds of early UK dubstep like Skream. Drums are cool but maybe too high compared to instrumentation. Like the instruments but seem very far back in mix maybe because of reverb. But cool tune.

Rap sad storytelling beat.

Reminds me of computer game music from early 90s. The melody / harmony is nice and I like the driving quality of the piano line. I like the hi hat trills too. I think what would improve is more dynamics to the drums as they are quite flat and quiet in the mix.

Will post feedback tomorrow

Put my hands up and say I hadn't heard the original. And it's a cool track so thanks for turning me on to it! Your remix is good because you successfully changed the style and tone but the vocals still gel nicely. I head Michael Jackson's Human Nature chords in the background? I like those chords. I think drums are the weak point of the track, I think you could pick better sounds and the groove is a bit too mechanical.

Another banger! Good arrangement and I like how the synth is very rhythmic and changes up. Really good drums and low end. Synths sound a bit tinny but that might be intentional. Could see people using this in an advert for something exciting!

Definitely got that dark trap vibe. Nice pads. The bass moves quite a lot, I thought maybe if you deleted a few notes and gave it more space that would help.

Sole Element

Battle Points: 1
@The Thrillz Nice groove and the drums are really knockin
@Memento Beats loving those horns! really smooth production. The second one is cool also, this one made me think of Megaman for some reason.
@Face Valid This one has a nice bounce to it, and i love that snare. I think the melody could use some work to match the drums, I just felt the melody wasn't right for the drums.
@slimegreenbeats overall i like the beat but it's just a little too basic for me, needs more excitement.
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