Discussion: The Showcase


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Disclaimer: I started this thread as a discussion on how we can improve the showcase, not to bash anyone in particular so I don't wanna see anyone starting beefs about this shit..

Many people have been complaining about this, that, or the other thing, in the showcases lately..

I've seen a deterioration in the amount of useful feedback in the showcases over time. But basically, I'm going to just put it out there like this.. If you aren't posting your beats in the showcase because someone might say something bad about your shit, doesn't that defeat the purpose of posting in the first place?

When I first joined this site, I was very particular about posting my beats, because I wanted you guys to like them and accept me into the illmuzik crowd. I also wanted people to help me out, cuz it is very easy to learn from someone else as opposed to trial and error, although some things must be learned on your own. Everything was organized, and everyone left greatly detailed feedback. I am now a better producer than I was solely thanks to the members on this site, no doubt about it. But now that I look back on it... who the fuck cares if one or two people thought my "shit was wack" and thats it.. i'll just skip those posts and hope they like my next beat better.. even to this day, there are people on here who don't even peep my shit in the showcase because they haven't liked my shit in the past.. its whatever lol.

Either way, the showcase has fallen off as far as reviews, and I want to extend a personal apology to Sick Trackz, if you feel that I offended you this showcase by saying your shit was offbeat as fuck.. Thats the only way I know how to put it.. its offbeat as fuck.. I didn't really have time to go into detail, but I figured you'd know the way to fix something out of sync, is to sync it up. straight up.. and based on ur beat you'd have to do that by hand, going back into your DAW... so I didn't think an explanation was necessary but I apologize if I came off rude or anything, nothing personal, its just about the beat.

Also, to the homie Lil Drama Boi.. saying things like
This Shit Is Ridiculous! Some People Have Str8 Up Ruined The Showcase. All These Bullshit Comments Are Uncalled For.
doesn't really help the cause, feel me? I didn't even see any "bullshit comments" I saw comments, and SOME personal banter at most. And I'm not calling you out or anything like that, I'm just using this as an example because you say its ruined, and I don't even think you were a member when the showcase was at its prime.. meaning it gets progressively worse over time, and something isn't done soon, it may be too late.

post your comments, I've just been typing my thoughts without revision so sorry if something doesn't make sense.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Showcase is very important to my development as producer, ive been on illmuzik as long as ive been producing (a little under 4 years) and the showcase is what helped me deveope..

I think now its to a point where you have cats posting just for props, they dont really have an interest in listeing to others and helping them improve...I dont know how fade can improve this though...



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Good points, Sanova and Classic.

There's only so much myself and the moderators can do except ask members to leave feedback, and if they don't within 24 hours then their posts removed. We can't force anyone, plus even if we could, that would do more harm than good.

The bottom line is that our members are expected to be mature/serious enough to know that they should be leaving feedback.

So if members don't leave feedback, then don't leave feedback for them - that way they'll get the message and either start leaving feedback or just not post in the Showcase.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
the showcase is in a bit of rut imo. i personally havent posted anything because i feel i dont really need to showcase my stuff anymore. I know my sound, and I know what im looking to do with my music, and most of my tracks are going towards projects before i even start them. I think many of the cats that have been around for a minute feel the same way. I like to give other cats feedback but i just dont have the time like u used to and i dont spend as much time in my studio with the nice set of monitors.

but real talk u cant take the showcase personal. Ive seen some things get heated because someone is just expressing their opinion. Truth is, illmuzik is still the best place to showcase ur stuff for honest feedback and actual crituque of ur work. Without illmuzik, i would never have reached the production level I am at right now. Period.

theres two thing that bother me about the showcase. And have always bothered me.

1) cats who cant take criticism.... at first as a newbe i was kinda like that .. but the only way to get better is to take suggestions (esp ones u constantly hear over and over again) and address them head on. As a producer, u gotta seperate the nonsense talk (this is not my style/ its cool but not my thing/ i cant judge this style of music/this is too commercial .... blah blah..) from the real talk (ur shit is offbeat/the bass is too high/these drums need more eq/ the vocal is weak ..etc) ..

2)Lack of improvement.. what keeps me interested is seeing cats actually utilize the showcase to improve/develop. I think all the "vets" of illmuzik including myself started out with some wack beats but overtime u improve and really get better. What makes the showcase dead is when cats post just to post and are not bringing new things to the table or utilizing any of the feedback that others give them. Its gets boring. Spanish harlem is one cat that u can see really uses the information given to him and always comes back with something HOTTER than what he posted a few weeks ago. thats what im talking bout. u can feel his grind. There was a time when the level was really high and evryone was pushing each other and there was almost like a"silent competition" going on as to who had the nicest beat for the showcase. That needs to come back. How? im not really sure, but I hope it happens.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
There was a time when the level was really high and evryone was pushing each other and there was almost like a"silent competition" going on as to who had the nicest beat for the showcase. That needs to come back. How? im not really sure, but I hope it happens.

Couldn't agree more. Lately I've been MADDD busy, I haven't made a beat in the longest time.. Although I do stay writing and upping my sound library. But if we could get the Showcase to that point again, That would be the motivation i need to get me to stay up all night and work on a beat. I've gotten 100% better since I've joined and started posting in the showcase.. Now I intend to get 100% better than that..

Always room for improvement, I'm never satisfied with my shit.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Though people should be able to take criticism, the people giving the criticism should be constructive saying something like "off beat as fuck" is a bit off lol. People aren't gong to listen to your criticism if your being disrespectful or even aggressive. You could have said "your track is of beat, it doesn't sound good. You could be able to improve it by doing this, yada yada". That's constructive, your giving your opinion and a possible solution. Posting on the net like you talk to your boys comes across totally different, all people have to go on is test. I've said stuff on the net and sounded like a prick without intention.

I think everyone pays a part here. Be constructive and respectful even if someone posts audible dog shit. We are all here to progress. If you feel someone isn't giving quality feedback tell em.

I goota start posting in the showcase again.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
if u ever wanna get to the point where u can showcase ur stuff to a larger audience, not just a few headz in on online forum, u gotta be able to take criticism. Illmuziks level of nonsense is much lower than other sites and way way way lower than what u will face when u really get ur music out there. U NEVER get real feedback or even a reason why they feel u or they dont when u start to get ur shit out there. I think cats just gotta suck it up, take it for what its worth and improve. thats what i did/do .. everybody gets their stuff shitted on from time to time. Its just the way it is. Just realize its about progression and improving and not ur feelings.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Though people should be able to take criticism, the people giving the criticism should be constructive saying something like "off beat as fuck" is a bit off lol. People aren't gong to listen to your criticism if your being disrespectful or even aggressive. You could have said "your track is of beat, it doesn't sound good. You could be able to improve it by doing this, yada yada". That's constructive, your giving your opinion and a possible solution. Posting on the net like you talk to your boys comes across totally different, all people have to go on is test. I've said stuff on the net and sounded like a prick without intention.

I think everyone pays a part here. Be constructive and respectful even if someone posts audible dog shit. We are all here to progress. If you feel someone isn't giving quality feedback tell em.

That's how I speak... I use "bad words". When I was typing, I felt like I was pretty casual.. But apparently I'm disrespectful or aggressive so I offered a public apology lol... Wasn't my intention to hurt anyones feelings -_-

either way, I don't believe in holding someones hand all the way thru. If someones shit is entirely offbeat, I'll just say its off beat, fix it. but if there was some subtle element that was off beat and fucking up the whole vibe, I'd isolate the problem and offer a fix... read the showcases i post in... i like to think i give decent feedback when i have the time.

but ur point is understood :)

if u ever wanna get to the point where u can showcase ur stuff to a larger audience, not just a few headz in on online forum, u gotta be able to take criticism. Illmuziks level of nonsense is much lower than other sites and way way way lower than what u will face when u really get ur music out there. U NEVER get real feedback or even a reason why they feel u or they dont when u start to get ur shit out there. I think cats just gotta suck it up, take it for what its worth and improve. thats what i did/do .. everybody gets their stuff shitted on from time to time. Its just the way it is. Just realize its about progression and improving and not ur feelings.



A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I would like to see more in depth feedback. For me to improve I want to understand exactly what you are saying. Saying something is off beat is only half way there. What is out? Is it the bass line the drums? Thats what I would like to see more of.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5

Props for the post, the only way to make the thread better for viewing is setting more rules, but who wants to go to a place with the ten commandments and enjoy posting beats. not to mention the time it could take up for Mods to keep it clean. I think we started off pretty good with the post comments first before posting your beat, but people don't always read before posting. I know some members follow the rule and actually avoid commenting on the members who didn't post feed back. I haven posted a beat in the showcase in a damn while, but that doesn't mean that I wont pop my head in there and drop some feedback. I think it should be kind of like a silent competition, but in the aspect of learning as well. We could have a top 5 list of the best beats in that showcase to encourage more members to post beats.

I would like to see more in depth feedback. For me to improve I want to understand exactly what you are saying. Saying something is off beat is only half way there. What is out? Is it the bass line the drums? Thats what I would like to see more of.

Dream- Couldn't agree with you anymore. There needs to be a formula for leaving feedback for each track.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Also, to the homie Lil Drama Boi.. saying things like

doesn't really help the cause, feel me? I didn't even see any "bullshit comments" I saw comments, and SOME personal banter at most. And I'm not calling you out or anything like that, I'm just using this as an example because you say its ruined, and I don't even think you were a member when the showcase was at its prime.. meaning it gets progressively worse over time, and something isn't done soon, it may be too late.

That may be true but look what's happened! It's being discussed and I've seen just since yesterday how the "bullshit" comments on peoples beats have changed. My interpretation of "bullshit" and yours may be totally different and I respect that. I practice what I preach homie...that's just me. You can go back to any showcase thread and you won't find where I just got at somebody without it being mostly constructive.

Me, I participate! I've only posted like two tracks in the showcase in 4 months or so but I at least try to breeze through each time it's open and give "constructive" criticism" just to keep the thread "active".

It's not about "catching feelings" when someone doesn't like your music. There's no way everybody in the four corners of the planet will like everything that you do but there's a way to do everything! Just ripping somebodys work because you think it's not good helps nobody in my opinion. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"! I can rip a bad track to pieces but to do it in a constructive way won't necessarily deter a new beat maker from posting in the next showcase. I seen newbies post one time, get rip'd verbally as opposed to being constructively criticized and disappear to never come back. I don't think it's right but that's just me. I guess I'm not as "hard" as of you guys....lmao


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Yeah Feedback Needs To Be Honest And Tactful. I Take My Music Serious Even Though I'm Not Hot Right Now,,,, And I Know Alot Of Cats On This Site Feel The Same Also...if Not We Wouldn't Even Be Doing This. Some People Go Out Of Their Way Just To Be Assholes...they Know How You Feel About Your Craft So They Diss And Dismiss You To Bring You Down...especially If They Just Jealous Of Your Grind...some Cats Is Just Arrogant Mufuckas...you Can See It With Every Word They Type And In My Personal Opinion Its Alot Of Cats That Need A Lesson In Humility. I Agree It Aint About Feelings But Everyone Has Them So Respect Um...hell Ya Mama Used To Say That.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Lil Drama Boi, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful or call you are or anything, i didn't mean anything by it =]


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Lil Drama Boi, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful or call you are or anything, i didn't mean anything by it =]

U got your point across....so did I. Dudes tend to come at me, or in my general direction, sideways from time to time on ILL..."it's nothing"! You felt the need to quote me on something I said in the "showcase" thread so you did mean something by it. May not have been "disrespect" but it was something. It's no beef though.....everybody's entitled to there own opinion.

My name rings bells around this joint so mentioning me or something I said gets shit "heated" real fast. Once again, "it's nothing"! At the end of the day "I gotta do me" and at least I'm consistent at that.

To quote my big homie Skid "Hate is the new love" and Joyce La'tel on WVEE "Make your haters your motivators! ONE!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
So.... Al-queada.. by proxy... LOVES the US then...hmmmm..ALRIGHT ! By JOVE THAT MAKES SENSE!
I would be more involved in doing critiquing in the showcase if they hadnt shut down all forms of streaming content here at work..
In fact I used to look forward to it at lunch.. But now I have to wait till I get home, at which time I have a bunch of other things to do, and Im already behind on a bunch of projects. :(

The showcase has DEF helped me improve though and it continues to!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
The problem with the showcase is....

.... people are lazy.

I think I have left a few huge feedback posts and it is something that is rare. It takes a lot of time and energy. And most people are looking for feedback instead of wanting to give feedback. We are all guilty of that. And then some people get neglected in the process. So they aren't motivated to continue posting beats and continue giving feedback.

So what you have to do is simplify it so everyone can easily get feedback.

It should be like a POLL.

Step 1:
Members submit their beat for the week's showcase and it is used for an Illmuzik radio compilation for that week. A player is embedded into that showcase so you can easily hear everyone's music without even leaving the thread or forum.

Step 2:
You should be able to assign a rating from 1 to 10 to the tracks submitted and it is graphically represented in a poll right in the thread. SO instead of having to try and give some sort of generic feedback like, "Your shit is hot" or "your synths sound shitty" you can just click 4 for a rating and decide if you want to leave detailed feedback in a Reply to the thread.

This way, instead of waiting for someone to give you some kind of feedback, you can just look at the first post in the thread and see your rating number for that showcase. Your beat can be a 10 or a 3 and you know if you need to improve or whatever.

For example:


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Naw Bro no code. All I'm saying in a nutshell treat peeps like you want to be treated...iits easy.


My statement:

Live On Varoius Examples
Please Usurp Some Simple Yearning

was an acronym LOL

Regarding the Showcase, "constructive" criticism is the key. I'm gonna get back in on the showcase to try to help swing things in a good direction regarding feedback and post some new shit too.

I am eternally grateful to the showcase, it is the single biggest thing that has improved my music.
When it comes to feedback, I try to give honest feedback, whether good or bad, I tell my opinion.

It is only honest feedback that is worth listening to, when my beats got slated it made me try harder next time.
I didnt start sulking and crying about being dissed or any crap like that. Its a tough world out there, if people cannot take criticism(of any kind) then they are in the wrong game, period.

As with any artform, there are some that like, some that dislike, thats the nature of life.
I made it my goal to get all my haters to like at least one beat that Ive done, eventually I started to get the results I was after, but only because I got slated in the first place. You dont improve anything if everyone is riding your dick telling you how great you are, unless every track you make really is untouchable.

The one thing that bugs me more than anything on the showcase is the slow drop off in good feedback, and some people that dont bother to post feedback at all. The sole reason I post beats is to get an opinion from people whos opinion I have grown to trust. I used to feel the competetiveness of the showcase even if it wasnt a competition, its the competetiveness that brings out the effort in a producer, Id really like to see that return.

Id just like to point out that anything I say in the showcase is what I think, its my OPINION. Just one opinion in a world full of varying opinions. I have my tastes and in some genres I dont feel qualified to discuss certain aspects, so I make a point of saying its not my sort of thing and then proceed with my uneducated opinion.

I try not to be too hard on anyone, and try to be constructive, but always say what I think, always.
Im pleased to see this thread, its a point that I think has reached the need for some discussion before the showcase becomes like any other 2 bit showcase out there.

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