Zen and getting rid of gear and clutter.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Interesting read. I can relate because I had a bunch of stuff (not necessarily music-related) that I got rid of a few months ago. I still have some vinyl that I need to ditch because I just don't need it. I don't think I could throw away all my vinyl because I guess it's a nostalgic thing, but I can see how you would want to streamline everything. Something like Traktor is all you need (if you still have turntables), and a lot of gear can be ditched as well.

I'd like to know what other Ill members think of this!


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
For me the hardest two things to get rid of was the vinyl, and guitar amps/pedals

I kept one bass amp to gig with and for guitar gigs I am using a laptop for all the tones. Vinyl is a PAIN to have around the house and move, keep track of. I do love vinyl but sampling from internet sources and digital is waaayyy easier and I can find some crazy things. So far its has been VERY good.


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
I need a balance of clutter and space. That's my zen spot. I have lots of shit, but I also get rid of shit in big spurts, so everything kind of evens out. My vinyl weighed a ton, but I gave away/sold about half my LP's over the summer.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i'm so sick of looking at computer screens, so i got me a nice old 2000 classic last week and experience my moment of zen listening to records and chopping up breaks in the evenings. i feel what you are saying though, i like the idea of minimal furniture and equipment too. every now and then i clear out my flat, and i still keep thinking i could throw away or sell half the stuff i have. some things i just have a hard time parting with. vinyl and books for example...


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
yeah, chopping takes ages. but when you come to think of it, people in the 90s weren't less productive than today in terms of quality output.
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Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Exactly, with so much enphasis on work flow, I feel like the price we are paying falls on the quality pf our beats. I think its cool as hell to have the ability to drop a jewel at a moments notice but not make a habit out of it and sacrafice quality as far as dopeness goes. IMO, "Otis" by Kanye is the perfect example...he could have made that beat so much doper by adding more of the instruments in the original sample...instead, Otis sounds like something that Kanye just did at the spare of the moment. If JZ wasnt forcing that song, it wouldnt have had the success that it did.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
when i moved a few yrs back it was a chance to get rid of alot of stuff... equipment i kept, but magazines and CDs were number one on the list to trash... i also gave away my boombox (JVC Kaboom) to some fellas on the street... at the end of the day, i had "peace of mind" and i just started over in my new spot... i still got alot of shit, but it gave me the courage to dump stuff when im ready... no wonder people are always diggin thru other people's trash (includin me)... lol

the prob i always had, was the minute i threw something out, i needed that shit a few weeks later.

da relic