Your Dream Has Come True!!!

  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...

The Bastard

WingsOfAnAngel said:
i seen one in italy when i went last summer

amazing how that whip is like 25 years old and still worth 25 ginos

The Bastard

Relic said:
I clicked the buy it now option, thats a good deal...
PSYKE! But your right B thats amazing that it takes it that long to come down to a normal expensive cah price.
I notice that that broad is checkin you out over the top of the cah,
i just noticed this now for the first time, but do u see that swastika on the wall? thats fucked up,i apologize for that i honest to god never noticed it till i analyzed the pic right now after lookin at the girl checkin me out, the pic can be deleted by a mod i wont mind, but back on topic ferraris are fuckin ill, i seen mad of em in the old country


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
HOLY SHIT... I didnt even see that!!!

Italy still bangin with those losers? Didnt they get the message when we stomped up through there?

Yo B you know that was outside yalls"meeting" there..

Whats worse is that you posted this in wings
You aint gettin in the


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
The Bastard said:
i just noticed this now for the first time, but do u see that swastika on the wall? thats fucked up,i apologize for that i honest to god never noticed it till i analyzed the pic right now after lookin at the girl checkin me out, the pic can be deleted by a mod i wont mind, but back on topic ferraris are fuckin ill, i seen mad of em in the old country

Yo.......... that bitch was peepin you


ill o.g.
yall see the muscle chick/dude posing in front of the blk ferrari. that'll turn mo'fos away :).


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
AMG said:
yall see the muscle chick/dude posing in front of the blk ferrari. that'll turn mo'fos away :).

yea man... i didnt even wanan comment on thos lmfao

The Bastard

AMG said:
yall see the muscle chick/dude posing in front of the blk ferrari. that'll turn mo'fos away :).
lol yo im legit laughin my ass off at that right now i didnt even notice that earlier, fuckin hilarious