Wings' State of Mind: The Art of Sexual Magic

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
"The one who did not desire for a woman is like a donkey, and less. Because from the physical realm one realizes the divine".
(13th century)

We must never condemn our sexuality. The best way to deal with our sexuality is to integrate it in the totality of our psyche. We must never repress it. Let us never forget that sexuality is also very spiritual. When you become more and more focused on Spirit, the whole feeling of sexuality undergoes a complete transformation. Instead of something filthy or disgusting sexuality becomes, when fused with your higher Self, a feeling of great beauty. For when you are focused on Spirit everything becomes Spirit. Your sexuality becomes godlike, because every act of yours has now become an act of love. You now want to help others with your sexuality, out of a deep love for creation. Sexuality can set higher forms of creativity in motion. Focusing solely on Spirit and neglecting the body and the instincts, most world religions have done a lot of harm to the soul of man. By condemning sexuality, the world religions have contributed to the global neurosis of mankind, instead of reducing it. They haven't liberated us, but instead they have fettered us to the chains of our own unconsciousness. They have made us feel guilty and not at ease with our deepest drives. In fact they have condemned God's own creation. They have put a verdict on the ways of nature. FUCK THIS.
Let us totally accept our sexuality. Let us celebrate it as one of the most profound mysteries of life. Let us make it into a jewel of delight in fusing it with higher, spiritual energies.
Look at the wonderful, mysterious excitement that the body arouses in our soul when we feel sexual! Look at the intense lust in life we feel when we make love! There is tremendous power stored in our genitals. This power can be used by our psyche. With this power higher spiritual love can be set in motion. We can fuse sexual power and love together. We can use sexual energy on our Path to spiritual liberation.
But if we want sexuality to be this bridge, there have to be certain conditions. The conditions for the enjoyment of sexuality turn out to be the same as the conditions for enjoying enlightenment. For the basic condition for enjoying both is freedom. If you want to enjoy sexuality, be totally and utterly free. Be free of all moral judgments. Be free of everything everybody has ever told you. Be free of all the moral precepts of every kind of religion. They have made you feel guilty and sad about your own inner qualities. Look for the love and the sexuality in your own heart. Listen to the voice inside when you fall in love with someone and want to make love.
Also be free of all bindings and bonds that imprison and enslave you. Enjoy sexuality with as many people as you like, as much as you like. But let it be an act act of deep love and meditation. Yes, make her horny. But also give her lust for spirituality. Then you will have contributed to her spiritual growth also. With every act of love your consciousness evolves. With every arm you put around another person your world and your heart become enlarged. Don't let anyone restrict you!!!

"The reward for the souls in Gan-Eden (Paradise) is that they are within the divine vagina of the divine feminine, there they sit and enjoy themselves in the shining radiance, and from that radiance they receive a profusion of energy for their very existence. And their enjoyment is the realization of the root of being, and their unification with it..."
(Early 18th centuary, Italy)