FADE: Jus wanted to say congradulations on tha sites escalated status...Ive seen this place grow tremendously over tha last year and that wouldnt be possible without such a great environment to better ones producer skills - of course, combined with a great majority of useful information provided by some really awsome people that are a part of this community but...
I Just wanted to say nice job for holdin it down for this long - and look how far weve come! This freakin place has like a billion members!!!!, Shit!!, I remember when it was jus that little inner-circle of cats who all knew each other........Now this place is like Disneyland an shit! lol....
Props tho man!
I Just wanted to say nice job for holdin it down for this long - and look how far weve come! This freakin place has like a billion members!!!!, Shit!!, I remember when it was jus that little inner-circle of cats who all knew each other........Now this place is like Disneyland an shit! lol....
Props tho man!