Who does this?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Interesting take on how he creates his patterns, that's for sure.

Agreed, it's a bit too detailed and not necessary for everyone, I guess if you're into that. I'm sure most guys just go by what sounds good, plain and simple. I think that if you're too "by the book" with how you do your beats, it starts to be boring.

I used to do something like this when I first started DJ'ing, writing down all of the kick and snare patterns for my beat juggles, LOL. But for making beats, I go by whatever.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i tend to be a bit arbitrary with drum selection too. i do have a few drums that i keep coming backing to. a signature sound is a great thing to have. nice article, esp. for beginners.